Can Depression Cause Memory Loss? Because I am Losing my Memory

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Manasvi Dodiya
Scientific Writer | Microbiologist
28 Aug 202410 min read
Handsome frustrated man has lost is memory


Have you ever observed that it becomes difficult to remember things when you are under chronic stress or have been sad for a long time?

It also becomes difficult to focus on things and remember incidents as they were.

The chronic stress and profound feelings of sadness for a prolonged might hint towards depression.

Depression restricts the brain from functioning efficiently. The restricted functioning has several side effects - one of them being the inability to recall events that have already occurred correctly. 

Can Depression Cause Memory Loss?

Yes, depression can lead to a loss of episodic memory. When compared to healthy individuals, people with depression have impaired recollection.

"Studies suggest that individuals experiencing depression frequently struggle with recalling both recent and distant events."

When a person experiences depression, there is a persistent feeling of sadness looming and chronic stress accompanies their routine life. High levels of stress and constant feelings of sadness can affect the brain’s structure and function. This in turn can lead to memory loss. 

What Will You Learn About Depression and Memory Loss?

While depression and memory loss are two different conditions, a definite link exists between the two.

Depression affects the retention of information in the long as well as short term. It also affects the way a person retains positive and negative memories. In this article, we will explore the link between memory loss and depression and also understand how depression affects the brain’s structure and function.

This will shed light on the possible causes of memory loss in depression and help us develop constructive plans to manage memory loss effectively. 

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that is characterized by a state of low mood and a general lack of interest in most of the activities for at least two weeks.

The prolonged feelings of sadness can impact a person’s memory and cause memory impairment.

Some of the common symptoms of depression include:

How Does Depression Affect the Brain? 

Depression primarily affects the mood of a person. This is done by an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

When these chemicals are out of balance, it impacts the mood but also impacts the memory of an individual. Current studies reveal that depression can lead to changes in the brain that directly affect memory. Changes in the following can lead to memory loss:

1. Effect on the hippocampus

The hippocampus is a part of the brain that is associated with memory, it has been studied that 4-10% of people suffering from depression have reduced volume of hippocampus in their brain. This reduction is known to impact the recollection and controlled retrieval of information.

2. Inhibition of Dopamine neurons

As stated earlier, depression causes an imbalance of neurotransmitters like dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the “Feel-Good” hormone that acts as a gatekeeper for the brain.

It is hypothesized that dopamine is responsible for gatekeeping memory formation and reduction in the levels of dopamine aggravates memory loss in depression. 

3. Hyperactivity of Amydala

The amygdala is associated with the emotional responses in our brain. It has been studied that the activity of the amygdala while retrieving memory is highly variable.

There is less activity in the part of the amygdala responsible for retrieving positive memories while there is a hyper activity of the amygdala for retrieving negative memories.

As much as this hints towards an ongoing depression, it also presents a view on how the sensitization of the amygdala affects the memories of an individual. 

What Types of Memory Are Affected by Depression? 

If you are struggling with depression, the following types of memories are affected:

1. Long-term memory

Studies suggest that depression can affect the long-term memory of a person. Long-term memories are memories of the activities that you have learned and acquired from exposure in the past. They are usually related to the incidents that occurred in childhood. 

2. Working memory

Studies have shown that depression affects the retention of short-term incidents and information consumed in the near past. This proves that depression hinders memory which involves short-term planning, comprehension, reasoning and problem-solving. 

3. Autobiographical memory

Autobiographical memory relates to a person’s memory of episodes or experiences that occurred in their own life. It consists of the details of a person’s past, such as names, numbers and descriptions of how an incident occurred.

It has been studied that depression often makes people focus on negative incidents and hence people suffering from depression might remember negative experiences more than positive ones. 

What are the Symptoms of Memory Loss in Depression?

Depression can have a lot of effects on the psychological as well as physiological aspects of the body. Losing memories is one of them. However, if a person is experiencing memory loss, there is a possibility that they might be experiencing these symptoms:

1. Forgetfulness

2. Confusion

3. Inability to make decisions

4. Focus on work

If the case of depression and memory loss is severe, one can also conduct tests to look at the hippocampus volume. A reduction in the hippocampus volume is directly linked to memory and can be indicative of memory loss.

To understand this better, let us take the example of a case presenting a 67-year-old man who displayed depressive symptoms and a decline in retention of information for the past two years.

He had been displaying disorganised behaviour and undergoing herbal treatments for the past three years.  

Upon investigating the case further, it was found that there was a decrease in the volume of the brain, especially the parts associated with recall, attention and calculation.

This proves that the loss in the volume of the critical parts of the brain directly affects the memory of a person. Apart from the biological causes, some other causes might affect the memory of a person invariably. 

What Causes Memory Loss in Depression? 

Several factors can be at play to impact memories in depression. Here are some of the factors that might cause memory loss:

1. Substance abuse

Substance abuse during depression is not uncommon. Several people suffering from depression resort to substance abuse. Substance aggravates depression as well as causes a chemical imbalance in our brain which can result in loss of short-term memory. 

2. Anxiety

Anxiety often presents itself as a symptom of depression. Studies show that when the mind is overstimulated - like in the case of anxiety, it becomes difficult to recollect things completely or correctly.

Research states that repeated occurrence of high levels of anxiety affects memory and increase the incidence of remembering negative aspects associated with the event. It has also been studied that people with anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, agoraphobia, and specific phobia can experience memory loss. 

3. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 and other Vitamin B are responsible for producing chemicals that affect mood. Studies have proven that low levels of vitamin B12 correlate with an increase in depression. It affects the level of serotonin in the brain which is responsible for the regulation of mood. 

Deficiency of B12 also affects the nervous system and hence impairs the recollection of events in the short and long term. A study involving 202 patients showed improvement in their memory upon having Vitamin B12 supplements. This proves that Vitamin B12 is linked to cognition and can help in restoring memory loss.

4. Lack of Sleep

Depression affects the sleep cycle of an individual and may result in insomnia (lack of sleep). Lack of sleep affects the hippocampus, which is necessary for creating memories. Impairment in the functioning of the hippocampus directly affects memory and leads to memory loss in depression.

Can Memory Loss from Depression Be Reversed? 

It is proven that depression can be responsible for memory loss. However, it is possible to reverse this memory loss by effectively treating the depression symptoms.

Cognitive rehabilitation acts as a great tool for improving memory loss caused by depression. This involves practising skills that will work around strengthening memory which could speed up recovery.

Apart from this, other interventions like medications, therapy and mindfulness can also help to reverse memory loss from depression. 

Do Antidepressants Impact Memory?

Antidepressants are one of the most common treatment methods opted by professionals. However, people taking antidepressants might have an impact on the short-term and long-term memory of a person.

Especially Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA), which are known to have a potential risk of impacting memory. This is because they affect the action of receptors in our brain that are involved with memory and learning. 

Apart from that, studies report that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are also known to cause mild memory loss in the first 8 weeks of administration. They impact the cognitive function of the patients. 

However, it must be noted that not all people who take antidepressants have memory loss. Memory loss is a potential side effect and it is advised to consult a professional before starting the course of treatment. 

Can Depression Cause False Memories?

False memories are when someone remembers an event differently from how it occurred. This can be very common for a person suffering from depression.

The state of sadness or ruminating negative memories can lead to a person having an altered perception of the event, the people involved and the outcome of the situation. 

Since a negative mood is generalized in people with depression, it is what is primarily responsible for creating false memories or simply having a different perception of existing memories.

The emotions heavily influence the associated memories felt at the moment, leading to the creation of false memories. 

How Can You Manage Memory Loss in Depression?

Managing memory loss in depression can become easy if we address the symptoms of depression directly. The treatment regime might differ from person to person and be tailored according to their needs. Currently, the following treatments are used for managing memory loss:

1. Medication

If depression is the source of a person’s memory loss, using medications can be helpful. Medications have been used for a long time to treat depression. Antidepressants like SSRIs, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and SNRIs can be used. Antidepressants work by making the neurotransmitters more adaptive in response. 

2. Psychotherapy

Targeting depression with the help of psychotherapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, etc. can help the person address their complex emotions. The therapist can help to learn new skills to cope with them and healthily manage them. 

3. Lifestyle changes

It is no secret that leading a healthy lifestyle can help with reducing sadness or negativity. If depression is the cause of memory loss, one can make changes in their routine like having foods that manage depression or performing exercises that reduce depressive symptoms.

It is okay if time constraints do not leave much time for exercising. A simple diet and performing household chores can also be enough. 

4. Practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness and incorporating relaxation techniques in the routine like deep breathing and meditation can help to manage the symptoms manifold. 

A study in 2017 showed that mindfulness meditation is more effective than physical exercise. It can also help you strengthen your memory by focusing on the parts that are usually lost in the course of processing and attending to negative emotions

5. Brain stimulation

Brain stimulation techniques like Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) are gaining popularity amongst people for treating symptoms of depression. It is a type of non-invasive brain stimulation that sends mild electric currents to enhance the functioning of the brain. 

A study conducted to test the efficacy of tDCS showed an improvement in episodic memory after 4 weeks of treatment. This proves that tDCS could promote changes in brain function and help you if you are losing memories. 

Mave Health’s ARC-tDCS aims to address the problems related to memory retention and depression. The ARC technology has shown phenomenal results in treating depressive symptoms without any side effects. 

When To Seek Professional Help For Managing Depression And Memory Loss

If you are struggling with your memory, it is advisable to see a medical professional to find the source. They will assess your physical health and help you trace the source. But if you are feeling too overwhelmed, you must consider seeking professional help.  

Mental health professionals can help to learn useful new skills that will help to challenge negative thoughts that can solve your memory impairment problems. 


Depression can have an altering effect on a person’s brain chemistry. It can have an impact on the memory of a person and might make them temporarily disoriented, forgetful and less focused.

Since depression affects the structure of the brain, it is natural to understand that it can have lasting effects on the memory of a person. However, it must be noted that memory loss in depression can be reversed. 

With the help of interventions like cognitive rehabilitation, medications, and therapy, a person can improve their memory and resolve the symptoms of depression. 

If you feeling too overwhelmed or feel that the problem of your memory loss is associated with depression, you must consider seeking professional advice. 

Mental health professionals are trained to address the issues surrounding depression and can help you learn skills to challenge your negative thoughts. 

At Mave Health, we believe that memories are more than just incidents that happened in the past. It is important to preserve and cherish the good ones. With the help of technology like ARC-tDCS, we can help you manage your depression and recover from memory loss effectively. 


  1. APA Dictionary of Psychology. (n.d.). 
  2. Depression memory loss. (2023, December 19). Priory. 
  3. Depression memory loss. (2023b, December 19). Priory. 
  4. Dillon, D. G., & Pizzagalli, D. A. (2018). Mechanisms of memory disruption in depression. Trends in Neurosciences, 41(3), 137–149.
  5. Harvard Health. (2021a, March 2). Two types of drugs you may want to avoid for the sake of your brain. 
  6. HealthMatch staff & HealthMatch Pty Ltd. (2023, January 17). Depression and memory loss: Is there a link? HealthMatch. 
  7. Montare Behavioral Health. (2024, February 20). Is memory loss a sign of depression? | Montare Behavioral Health. 
  8. Too depressed to remember. (2000, April 17). WebMD. 
  9. Woo, D. (2021, January 19). Depression and memory loss: Does depression cause forgetfulness? Madison Avenue TMS & Psychiatry.
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