11 Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a mentally healthy person?
Likely a person who's always happy and calm. A person who doesn't feel sad, angry, nervous, or stressed. Is it true though?
If you have watched the famous Disney Pixar movie Inside Out, you might be aware of how beautifully they have portrayed the prominence of all the emotions and how it's humanly impossible to remain positive all the time.
The traits of a mentally healthy individual doesn't necessarily imply the absence of a mental illness. Rather, it reflects in the way you deal with obstacles, sustain bonds, and remain resilient in the face of hardships.
Mental health is as important as our physical health. The state of one's mental health is mirrored in the way they react to the adversities of life. In this world, where almost every aspect of our lives is mentally taxing, it is important to prioritize our mental well-being.
Can Mental Health Characteristics Change Over Time?
Yes, it's possible for a person's mental health characteristics to change over time depending on many factors—- experiencing trauma, pushing oneself too hard, or any ongoing medical conditions.
What Are The Benefits Of Being Mentally Healthy?
If you are mentally healthy, you're more likely to feel at peace, in connection with yourself and others and an overall sense of satisfaction in life.
You may also be able to work productively, cope with usual life stresses, improve and enjoy your talents and hobbies and contribute effectively to the community.
11 Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person in 2024
1.Emotional stability
A mentally healthy person is usually in control of their emotions, thoughts, and actions. They know to look after themselves even in times of distress and balance out their emotions.
They are able to look at their problems from a positive perspective and learn from their setbacks.
For example, a person who's worried about a huge upcoming event decides to prepare and adopt methods to maintain his calm rather than letting the whole fear take over him.
2. Positive Self-Esteem
A mentally strong person has high self-confidence and self-esteem. Now, this doesn't mean that they don't have one of those days where they feel like they're not at their best. Despite that, they find ways to not let themselves be consumed by negative thoughts. They accept their flaws yet value themselves and believe they deserve love and respect.
For instance, a person who's more skilled at singing than dancing sees it as a valuable asset rather than fixating on their weak points.
3. Healthy relationships
Another beautiful trait in a mentally healthy person is the quality of their relationships. People who are in a healthy relationship will always root for and support each other.
They are empathetic and don't refrain from discussing the occasional problems that may arise in a relationship. The partners feel a sense of safety and less stress around each other.
For instance, when a person who's in a healthy relationship is confronted with a problem, they don't try to put the entire blame on their partner; instead, they try to work things out together.
4. Autonomy and Independence
Good mental health and independence go hand in hand. Being mentally healthy helps you function optimally—making your own decisions, knowing what's best for you, managing daily life tasks, and maintaining good social connections. It not only gives authority over yourself but also helps you believe in your own judgments.
Choosing a career that resonates more with your interests and values than what your family expects you to take up is an example of autonomy.
Cognitive and Social Characteristics
5. Realistic Thinking
People who are mentally healthy usually think realistically. They are well aware of their capabilities as well as their limits, and they don't let their expectations go way above and burn them out. Instead, they take part in activities that align with their personal interests and values.
For example, if a mentally strong person sets realistic deadlines at work, they have more chances of getting it done and fewer chances of burnout.
6. Adaptability and Flexibility
For everyone, change can feel a bit unsettling at first. A mentally stable individual will be more flexible and welcoming to change than running away from it. They may be more willing to learn and grow from the change.
For example, after shifting to a new place, a person decides to try and make new friends and learn more about the place rather than continuously complaining about having to shift.
7. Effective Coping Mechanisms
People with poor mental health often tend to bottle up their painful emotions rather than acknowledge them. They may try hard to avoid thier problems or deal with them in unhelpful ways.
For example, one may drink excessively, engage in reckless activities, or do something to forget about thier issues. Whereas a person who's mentally healthy sits through the painful emotions, feels them without any fear of judgment, and owns their emotions unapologetically.
For instance, when faced with a personal loss, the person may reach out to their loved ones, practice self compassion, and start therapy to deal with their grief. Some people might find solace in alternative forms of mental health therapies such as yoga, acupuncture.
It is important to note that doing so requires a lot of resources which everyone does not have; and it also deeply impacts our mental health.
8. Healthy Communication
One needs good communication skills to express their needs and perspectives. A mentally healthy individual knows how to effectively communicate and can prevent misunderstandings and manage interpersonal conflicts. They are able to clearly express what they want and know how to manage expectations and set healthy boundaries.
In case of a misunderstanding or miscommunication, rather than being egotistical and putting off the conversation, a person tries to carry out a healthy conversation as to why things happened in such a way.
9. Empathy and Compassion
Mentally strong people are often empathetic and instill a sense of warmth around them. They understand the feelings of others, the difficult times someone's going through, and resonate with them emotionally. People usually prefer to be around them because of how compassionately they treat them.
For example, when someone shares an incident that was hurtful to them, the listener tries to empathize with them rather than being insensitive about it.
Lifestyle and Wellness Characteristics
10. Balanced Lifestyle
A person who's mentally healthy takes their physical needs into consideration—eating a balanced diet, exercising, and ensuring a good night’s sleep.
They know the importance of a balanced lifestyle and how it affects one's mental health.
11. Healthy Habits
There are certain habits exercised by people who are mentally healthy, such as having breakfast every day (note that all meals are important, but breakfast is the morning fuel that helps you kick start the day), staying hydrated, practising mindfulness, finding time every day to engage in hobbies and self-care, spending time outdoors, and leading an overall balanced lifestyle, as mentioned above.
Fixing a particular time every day to journal about how one's day went helps to instil a sense of gratitude.
How Can I Identify Mental Health Issues In Myself Or Others?
As mental health issues are very common these days, it is necessary to be aware of the signs and symptoms that may be indicative of a developing mental health problem.
Mental health issues can begin with very subtle changes in a person's behaviour, thinking, and feelings. If the changes are continuous, or if something feels quite "off," it may be time to initiate a conversation about getting help.
Watch Out For The Following 11 Signs And Symptoms Of Mental Health Issues :
- Feeling immensely anxious
- Disturbed sleep [Insomnia & Oversleep]
- Emotional outburst- sudden anger and dramatic mood shifts
- Continuously feeling unhappy, numb and irritable
- Feeling worthless or guilty
- Changes in weight and appetite
- Withdrawn than usual - isolating oneself, refusing to take part in social activities
- Feeling unusually “high” – extremely happy and impulsive
- High risk behaviour- tendency to do highly dangerous activities such as reckless driving, substance abuse
- Neglecting self-care and personal hygiene
- Suicidal thoughts, desire to hurt themselves or others
Know that you're not alone, and there's always enough resources to lend you a helping hand.
1.SAHAI (Bangalore, Karnataka): +91-080-25497777
Offers emotional support, counselling, and crisis intervention services.
2.Maitreyi (West Bengal): 033-2252-0847
Offers emotional support, counselling, and crisis intervention services.
3. Connecting Trust (Chennai, Tamil Nadu): +91-044-24640050
Provides emotional support and crisis intervention.
4.Samaritans(Mumbai): +91-842-298-4528, +91-842-298-4529, +91-842-298-4530
Provides emotional support to those in distress, including suicidal individuals.
5. Sumaitri (Delhi): +91-011-2338-9090
Offers emotional support, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention services.
Being mentally healthy doesn't merely mean the absence of a mental illness. To a large extent, it depends on how one deals with stress, challenging situations, and is resilient. The traits of mentally healthy individuals include emotional stability, high self-esteem, maintaining healthy relationships, being independent, realistic thinking, adaptability and flexibility, healthy coping mechanisms, healthy communication, empathy and compassion, practicing healthy habits, and a balanced lifestyle. Since mental health problems are very common, it is important to understand the signs and symptoms of worsening mental health. If you or your loved one experiences any of the above-mentioned symptoms, please reach out for help through the helpline numbers given below.
1.Articles, Resources, & Stories On Things That Matter | Blog. (n.d.). Now&Me. Retrieved July 21, 2024, from https://nowandme.com/blog/characteristics-of-mentally-healthy-person%20
2.austin. (2023, July 20). 10 Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person | Montare. Montare Outpatient. https://montareoutpatient.com/10-characteristics-of-a-mentally-healthy-person/
3.Mentally Healthy Relationships | McLean Hospital. (n.d.). Www.mcleanhospital.org. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/relationships
4.Weaver, S. (2024, April 16). Top 16 Characteristics Of Mentally Healthy People. Corner Canyon HC. https://cornercanyonhc.com/blog/characteristics-of-mentally-healthy-people/
5.Australia, H. (2023, September 27). Signs of mental health issues. Www.healthdirect.gov.au. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/signs-of-mental-health-issues
