How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts: Prevention and Coping Strategies

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Prachi Gangwani
Mental Health Professional | Psychologist & Author
27 Aug 202410 min read
How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts

Introduction :

In the year 2022, over 1.7 lakh cases of suicide were recorded in India. In comparison to 2021, this was a 4.2% increase, while compared to 2018, the increase is estimated to be around 27%. That this is a cause of concern is putting it mildly. 

Having said that, suicide is preventable and if we take the responsibility to educate ourselves about the signs, prevention and treatment, we can empower ourselves to help someone - including ourselves - who might be feeling suicidal. 

In this article, we will understand what suicidal thoughts are, the symptoms and causes of suicidal ideation or thoughts, and what we can do to help someone who might relate to the words, ‘I am feeling suicidal’. 

Understanding Suicidal Thoughts

What Are Suicidal Thoughts?

Suicidal thoughts are thoughts about ending one’s life. This may involve vague or abstract thoughts about death and what happens after it, thinking about one’s own death or ending one’s life, and even planning how one would do it. 

Suicidal thoughts or ideation may be passive or active. Passive suicidal thoughts involve thinking about ending one’s own life, but not having any plan about how or when one would do it. On the other hand, in active suicidal ideation, one tends to make a plan for when and how to end one’s life. 

Are suicidal thoughts normal? 

While curiosity about life and death is normal and accepting one’s own mortality may even help us live a fuller life, thoughts about ending one’s own life are a cause of concern. 

They usually indicate a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness about one’s life and may be considered a cry for help. Suicidal thoughts may follow a loss of interest in activities, and even life in general, which is often a sign of depression

Symptoms of suicidal ideation

Even though the act of ending one’s life may seem sudden, it seldom is. Most people who die by suicide have an underlying mental health issue or may have experienced or be experiencing a traumatic event. 

If someone is struggling emotionally and thinking about suicide, here are some signs they may exhibit: 

  1. Withdrawing from loved ones 
  2. Withdrawing from professional, personal or social activities 
  3. Expressing thoughts or feelings of being a burden on others 
  4. Worsening symptoms of existing mental health condition 
  5. High risk-taking behaviour 
  6. Mood fluctuations 
  7. Wrapping up one’s tasks and obligations
  8. A sudden sense of calm or peace that seems to come out of nowhere 

Common Causes of Suicidal Thoughts

Common causes of suicidal thoughts can broadly be placed into two categories - existing mental health issues, and life events.

Existing Mental Health Conditions: Suicide As A Symptom Of A Mental Health Condition 

As discussed above, those who die by suicide are likely to have an existing mental health condition. Depression, PTSD, substance use disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are some mental health conditions associated with the likelihood of suicide. 

In India, mental health conditions are often unrecognised, and hence, untreated. The stigma associated with seeking help for one’s mental health can backfire by worsening one’s condition. It is crucial that we work through the stigma, and help others do so as well so that one can get the care they deserve at the right time. 

Stressful or traumatic life events 

Our emotional well-being is closely tied to what’s going on in our lives. Sometimes, stressful or traumatic life events can start off a spiral of depressive states of hopelessness and helplessness, ultimately leading to suicide. Financial or job loss or stress, loss of a loved one, domestic violence, sexual or physical abuse, discrimination, and even a debilitating medical condition are examples of life events that can impact our mental health. 

Why suicide can seem like the only option?

Suicide is essentially a collapse of hope. When one is struggling emotionally, or going through a stressful period, sometimes one may lose a sense of hope about improving their life or situation. As Dr Anjali Chhabria, a psychiatrist based in Mumbai, highlights in this Ted talk, many times when one struggles with suicidal thoughts, they struggle to find support, and someone they can openly talk to about their troubles. Distress, combined with isolation can make one feel that suicide is the only way out.

What to Do When You Have Suicidal Thoughts?

If you struggle with suicidal thoughts, you must prioritize seeking help. Here are a few concrete steps you can take to protect yourself if you are feeling suicidal: 

  1. Reach out to a friend or family member - It can feel difficult to open up to someone about having suicidal thoughts, but it is necessary. Let someone in your life know that you have been struggling, and if thoughts of ending your life arise, reach out to them for immediate support. 
  2. Seek professional help - When we are bogged down by feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, we are unable to see different perspectives. A mental health professional - Mave Health Program can help you work through this cloudiness and learn to see alternatives to ending one’s life. 
  3. Call a helpline - Some helplines based in India are - iCALL, Aasra, Kiran, and Vandrevala Foundation

While these are immediate steps to take, as a general rule, here are a few things to keep in mind if you have suicidal thoughts: 

  1. Remove access to objects you can use to cause harm to yourself 
  2. Have an active social life, and invest in at least one close relationship you can be yourself in. Mental health concerns and suicidal thoughts can make us feel lonely, but remember there are ways to cope with this. You can learn more about how to cope with feeling lonely in this article. 
  3. Manage your stress levels and think about prevention 
  4. If you’re going through a stressful period or struggling with your mental health, see a mental health professional 

Are You Feeling Suicidal? Know How To Get Rid Of Suicidal Thoughts Or Ideation in 8 Ways

Here are some tips to keep in mind if you’re wondering how to stop suicidal thoughts - 

  1. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member - Allow them to distract you from the thoughts by having a general conversation with you, or maybe spending some time with you 
  2. Separate the thought or feeling from action - Remember that you don’t have to act on every thought you get. When suicidal thoughts arise, remind yourself that this is a thought only and it doesn’t have to dictate your actions 
  3. Visualise the thought moving away from - You can do this in many ways - one way to visualize the thought passing is to imagine it sitting on top of a cloud that’s moving away from you. Another visualization is to put it in a helium balloon and let it go.
  4. Count backwards from 100 to 0 - This technique can be used to distract yourself from the thought and allow it to pass. 
  5. Go to a safe space - If you’re indoors, stepping out to a cafe or a mall might be helpful. Get yourself a cooling beverage and call a friend or anyone else you feel safe with. 

Prevention of Suicidal Thoughts

Like with anything else, in cases of suicidal thoughts too, prevention is better than cure. And yes, suicide is preventable. According to the CDC, suicide prevention requires a multi-pronged approach, and each one of us can play a role in it. 

While at a larger social level, we can work on reducing the stigma around mental health, at an individual level, here are some things we can do for the prevention of suicidal thoughts - 

  • Think beyond getting rid of mental “illness” and work on creating and maintaining mental wellness. A mentally healthy person has several characteristics including emotional stability, positive self-esteem and realistic thinking, which can be cultivated
  • Maintain close and healthy relationships. We tend to underestimate the importance of close and healthy relationships for our mental health. Not only do they protect us from emotional struggle, but they also help us bounce back when we are facing a difficulty 
  • Be proactive about your mental health and get help sooner rather than later. One doesn’t have to be in the throes of a mental health crisis to reach out to a therapist. If you feel even mild emotional distress that you’re unable to cope with on your own, reaching out to a professional can be an important preventive measure. Here’s how different mental health interventions can help prevent suicide

Therapy Modality 



  • Can help reduce risk and relapse

  • Can help develop a safety plan 

  • Provides psychoeducation 

  • Can help in building necessary emotional and cognitive skills

Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

  • Aimed at helping the individual take “baby steps” to improve their life 

  • Can help the individual find solutions to their problems 

Psychodynamic Therapy

  • Can help understand and work through the unconscious motivation or meaning attached to suicide 

Existential Therapy 

  • Can help the individual cope with feelings of meaninglessness and despair, and find meaning in their life 

Psychopharmacological interventions for suicide prevention 

  • For actively suicidal individuals, medication and hospitalisation may be needed. Lithium, a mood stabilizer, is a commonly used medicine for suicidal thoughts. In some cases, antidepressants may also be prescribed. 

Things to Avoid During Suicidal Thoughts

In addition to taking proactive measures to seek help and take care of your mental health, there are also certain things you can avoid. These may include

  1. Self-isolation - It may feel difficult to stay socially active, but avoid the temptation of sitting in your room all day, and staying in touch with the outside world. If it helps, join a group-based activity that you enjoy
  2. Triggers - Take stock of your triggers. This may be something like excessive social media use, drinking or using other substances, or certain people who lack empathy for emotional distress. It’s okay to avoid triggering situations, activities and people if it keeps you mentally healthy
  3. High stress - Stress not only contributes to poor mental health and suicidal thoughts, but also takes a toll on the body. Stress is detrimental to every area of our being, and it important that we learn to manage it so that it doesn’t escalate. 

When to Seek Professional Help

Since we know that existing mental health conditions and life stressors are risk factors for suicide, it is wise to seek help if you’re facing either of these. You don’t have to wait till you reach a point where you’re crippled by daily suicidal thoughts. 

A lot of our mental health struggles can be prevented if we catch them early and find avenues to work through them. Committing to regular psychotherapy when you notice signs of distress that don’t improve can help prevent it from worsening. 

Having said this, if you’re already having suicidal thoughts, it’s not too late to seek help. You can reach out to a clinical psychologist who can assess the severity and help you figure out the next steps. 

You can book a consultation with a psychotherapist, clinical psychologist or psychiatrist at Mave Health’s Therapy Club

How to Support Someone with Suicidal Thoughts

If you see signs of suicidal ideation in a loved one, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind.



Acknowledge their distress

Dismiss what they’re saying 

Let them know you’re here to offer support in the way they want 

Offer platitudes like, ‘It will work out’ or ‘I understand what you mean’

Engage them in activities that might help them relax and feel positive 

Shame or judge them 

Encourage them to seek professional help 

Isolate them further 

Keep them away from objects or spaces where they can harm themselves 

Punish them or be harsh with them for having suicidal thoughts 

Since depression and isolation are commonly seen among individuals who have suicidal thoughts, you might find these two articles useful - 

  1. How to help someone who isolates themselves
  2. How to help someone with depression  

Recovering from suicidal thoughts post-treatment 

If you’ve sought professional help for suicidal thoughts, and have stopped experiencing them, remember that this is not the end of the journey.

Take the momentum built in your recovery process, and as you resume your daily life and activities, keep the following in mind: 

  1. Strengthen healthy relationships 
  2. Build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle 
  3. Take care of your physical and mental health by looking after the pillars of wellbeing - sleep, nutrition and movement 
  4. Continue seeking therapy
  5. Adopt a preventive approach moving forward 
  6. Find a sustainable way to manage your stress levels 

FAQs About Suicidal Thoughts

What are the common causes of suicidal thoughts?

Common causes of suicidal thoughts can be broadly categorised into existing mental health conditions (depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse) and psychosocial stress or stressful life events (job or financial loss, loss of a loved one, loss of a relationship, domestic violence, abuse, or chronic medical illness). 

How can I tell if my suicidal thoughts are serious?

If they are persistent and active, it is a cause of concern. Active suicidal thoughts occur when along with the thoughts, one also has a plan of action which may include when and how. 

What are some effective ways to cope with suicidal thoughts?

Seeking social support and professional help, avoiding one’s triggers, being proactive about one’s mental health and managing stress are ways to cope with suicidal thoughts. 

When should I seek professional help for suicidal thoughts?

If suicidal thoughts are persistent, you should seek help. If you have an existing mental health condition or are undergoing stress, it’s wise to seek help. 

Can medication help with suicidal thoughts?

Medication can be helpful in symptom reduction. For suicidal thoughts, mood stabilizers and antidepressants are found to be helpful. 


Suicidal thoughts are generally associated with existing mental health conditions or stressful life events. It is important to seek help if one is feeling suicidal. This article highlights what to do when you have suicidal thoughts, including being proactive about taking care of one’s mental health and avoiding stressful and triggering situations. 

It’s important to remember that no one is alone, and safe and healthy relationships can be a protective factor in many of life’s challenges. If one is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s important to seek and offer social support.


Akbari, M., Rezaeian, M., Helm, P. J, & Becker, K. (2022). How existential therapy may help people who are suicidal. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 24(4), 419–433. 

Estavillo, M. (2020). The Difference Between Passive and Active Suicide Ideation. Biltmore Psychology and Counseling. 

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2023). Depression and Suicide. 

‌Moore, M. (2022, September 22). 18 Causes of Suicide and Tips to Cope. Psych Central. 

Prevention strategies. 

Rethink Mental Illness. (2022, October). How to cope with suicidal thoughts. How to Cope with Suicidal Thoughts. 

Sell, N. K. (2011). Preventing Suicide: The Solution Focused Approach. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 32(1), 17. 

‌Stanley, B., et al (2009). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP): Treatment Model, Feasibility, and Acceptability. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(10), 1005–1013. 

Suicide: What It Is, Signs, Risk Factors & Prevention. Cleveland Clinic. 

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, September 25). Suicide in India. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. 

‌Yakeley, J., & Burbridge-James, W. (2018). Psychodynamic approaches to suicide and self-harm. BJPsych Advances, 24(1), 37–45. 

Zisook, S., Domingues, I., & Compton, J. (2023). Pharmacologic Approaches to Suicide Prevention. Focus, 21(2), 137–144.

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