Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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Munira Electricwala
Psychologist | Researcher | Psychological Scientist | Writer
11 Sep 202411 min read
Young woman dealing with generalized anxiety

Persistent, excessive worry about multiple life areas is the hallmark of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a common mental health issue.

This piece thoroughly examines GAD, exploring its origins, manifestations, and therapeutic approaches. It specifically highlights how GAD impacts young adults, professionals, and older individuals.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

GAD is classified as a mental illness and is recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

This classification underscores the seriousness of the condition and its impact on individuals' lives. It is defined by persistent and excessive worry about multiple areas of life, including health, finances, and personal relationships.

Unlike typical anxiety that may arise in specific situations, the stress experienced by individuals with GAD is chronic and often disproportionate to the actual circumstances. 

Individuals with GAD often find it challenging to control their anxiety, which can significantly impact their daily functioning.

This uncontrollable worry can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances, making it difficult to concentrate or engage in daily activities.

The pervasive nature of GAD can interfere with personal relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life, highlighting the need for effective management and treatment strategies. Understanding GAD as a recognised mental health condition is crucial for reducing stigma and encouraging individuals to seek help.

Examples of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The following scenarios illustrate GAD:

  • A young professional may constantly worry about job performance, fearing they will be fired despite positive feedback from their supervisor.
  • A student might obsess over grades, leading to sleepless nights and an inability to focus on studies due to fear of failure.
  • An elderly individual may experience anxiety about health issues, leading to excessive doctor visits and avoidance of social activities.

These examples highlight how GAD can manifest in various life stages and situations, affecting individuals differently basis their circumstances.

How Common is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

GAD is one of the most common anxiety disorders. According to global studies, the lifetime prevalence of GAD is approximately 3.7%, with a 12-month prevalence of about 1.8%. In India, the prevalence is reported to be around 5.8%, indicating a significant public health concern that necessitates awareness and treatment options. 

In the United States, approximately 2.7% of adults experience GAD in a given year, with higher rates observed among females (3.4%) compared to males (1.9%). The prevalence of GAD can vary based on demographic factors, including age and gender, and is often higher in populations facing significant life stressors.

Can a Person with GAD Live a Normal Life?

Individuals with GAD can indeed lead fulfilling lives with appropriate treatment and support. Through a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, many people effectively manage their symptoms, regaining control over their anxiety and improving their quality of life.

This enables them to maintain daily routines, pursue goals, and engage in social activities. The journey of living with GAD involves developing self-awareness, recognizing triggers, and implementing coping strategies, which can lead to personal growth despite occasional setbacks.

Key factors in successfully managing GAD include practising mindfulness techniques, building a strong support network, and engaging in meaningful activities.

Many individuals with GAD find success in their personal and professional lives, often developing valuable skills such as empathy and problem-solving as a result of their experiences.

By focusing on self-care, pursuing interests, and leveraging appropriate support systems, people with GAD can not only manage their anxiety but also thrive, achieving their goals and finding joy in their daily lives.

Does Generalized Anxiety Disorder Go Away?

GAD is often chronic, meaning it may not completely disappear but can be managed over time. Treatment can significantly reduce symptoms, enabling individuals to cope better with their anxiety. While the disorder may not go away entirely, many find that they can lead productive lives with the right support. 

Understanding that GAD is a manageable condition is crucial for those affected. With ongoing treatment and self-care strategies, individuals can experience periods of relief and improved functioning.

What Causes Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

The causes of GAD are multifaceted and include:

  • Genetics: A family history of anxiety disorders increases the likelihood of developing GAD. Research indicates that genetic factors may contribute to the development of anxiety disorders, suggesting a hereditary component.
  • Environmental Factors: Stressful life events, such as trauma or significant life changes, can trigger GAD. Events like the loss of a loved one, divorce, or job loss can lead to heightened anxiety.
  • Brain Chemistry: Imbalances in neurotransmitters may contribute to anxiety disorders. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine play a crucial role in regulating mood and anxiety levels.
  • Personality Traits: Individuals with certain temperaments, such as being overly cautious or sensitive, may be more prone to GAD. Personality traits like perfectionism or a tendency to avoid risks can exacerbate anxiety.

Do I Have Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Self-assessment for GAD can be based on the following signs and symptoms:

Signs and Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  1. Physical Symptoms:
  • Fatigue: People with GAD often experience persistent tiredness or exhaustion, even after adequate rest. This fatigue can be both mental and physical, making daily tasks feel more challenging.
  •  Muscle tension: Chronic anxiety can lead to persistent muscle tightness, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and back. This tension can cause discomfort and even lead to headaches or body aches.
  • Sleep disturbances: GAD can significantly impact sleep patterns. Individuals may have trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep, or may experience restless, non-refreshing sleep. This can further exacerbate fatigue and other symptoms.
  1. Behavioural Symptoms:
  • Restlessness: People with GAD often feel on edge or unable to relax. This can manifest as fidgeting, pacing, or a general sense of unease.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Persistent worry can make it hard to focus on tasks or conversations. This can impact work performance, studies, or daily activities.
  • Irritability: The constant state of anxiety can lead to a shorter temper or increased sensitivity to stress, resulting in more frequent frustration or anger.
  1. Emotional Symptoms:
  • Excessive worry about various issues: This is the core symptom of GAD. People experience persistent, exaggerated concerns about everyday matters like health, work, finances, or relationships, often out of proportion to the actual situation.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities: Routine tasks or obligations can feel insurmountable due to anxiety. This can lead to a sense of being unable to cope with normal life demands.

These symptoms often interact and reinforce each other, creating a cycle of anxiety that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. It's important to note that the severity and combination of symptoms can vary from person to person.

How is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Diagnosed?

Diagnosing GAD typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health professional. This may include:

  • Psychological Evaluations: These include structured interviews and questionnaires to assess anxiety levels. Clinician-rated tools like the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) or self-rated tools like the Beck’s Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scale are commonly used.
  • Medical Tests: These are administered to rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms. A thorough medical history and physical examination can help identify any underlying health issues.
  • Diagnostic Criteria: This entails utilizing the DSM-5 criteria to confirm the diagnosis. The criteria include excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least six months.

How is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Treated?


Medications are often a first-line treatment for GAD. Common options include:

  • Antidepressants: SSRIs and SNRIs, such as escitalopram and duloxetine, are frequently prescribed. These medications help regulate mood and reduce anxiety symptoms.
  • Buspirone: An anti-anxiety medication that can be used long-term. Buspirone is effective for managing chronic anxiety without the sedative effects of benzodiazepines.
  • Benzodiazepines: Generally reserved for short-term use due to the risk of dependence. While effective for immediate relief, they are not recommended for long-term management of GAD.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most effective form of psychotherapy for GAD. It focuses on identifying negative thought patterns and developing coping strategies. Other therapeutic options may include:

3.Neurostimulation (tDCS)

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is an emerging treatment that involves applying a low electrical current to the scalp to modulate brain activity. While still under study, it shows promise as a supplementary treatment for anxiety disorders.

How to Deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

In addition to professional treatment, individuals with GAD can adopt various coping strategies to manage their symptoms effectively.

Here are some 14 practical approaches:

  1. Lifestyle Changes: Establishing routines provides structure and control, reducing anxiety. This can include setting regular times for meals, work, exercise, and leisure activities.
  2. Mindfulness: Practicing present-moment awareness techniques to manage anxious thoughts. This might involve mindful eating, body scans, or focused attention on daily tasks.
  3. Talking to Someone: Sharing concerns with others for emotional support and perspective. This could be friends, family, a therapist, or support groups.
  4. Laughing and Enjoying Life: Engaging in positive activities to counterbalance negative emotions. This might include watching comedies, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing enjoyable hobbies.
  5. Identifying Triggers: Recognizing anxiety-provoking situations to develop coping strategies. Keeping a journal can help track patterns and identify common triggers.
  6. Nutrition: Maintaining a balanced diet to support mental well-being. This includes eating regular meals, staying hydrated, and incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. And avoid eating due to anxiety.
  7. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Reducing stimulants and depressants that can worsen anxiety. This might involve gradually decreasing intake or finding alternatives like herbal tea.
  8. Set Realistic Goals: Breaking tasks into manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Using to-do lists and prioritizing tasks can help make goals more achievable.
  9. Sleep: Prioritizing good sleep habits for better emotional regulation. This includes maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.
  10. Exercise: Regular physical activity to reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. This could be as simple as daily walks or more structured workouts, depending on individual preferences.
  11. Meditation: Practicing mindfulness to enhance relaxation and reduce stress. This might involve guided meditation, silent meditation, or movement-based practices like tai chi.
  12. Breathing Exercises: Using controlled breathing techniques to calm the mind during anxious moments. Techniques like diaphragmatic breathing or the 4-7-8 method can be particularly helpful. Sometimes we get shortness of breath due to anxiety.
  13. Engage in Hobbies: Participating in enjoyable activities as a distraction from anxious thoughts. This could include creative pursuits, sports, reading, or any activity that brings joy and relaxation.
  14. Consider Professional Help: Seeking guidance from mental health professionals for tailored anxiety management strategies. This might involve therapy, medication, or a combination of both, depending on individual needs. Online therapy for anxiety is getting popular and helps you to access it easily with one click.

By integrating these coping strategies into daily life, individuals with GAD can enhance their ability to manage symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. Learn how to deal with anxiety in 20 different ways which helps you in reducing the anxiousness without medication

The Impact of GAD on Daily Life

Living with GAD can significantly affect various aspects of daily life. Individuals may experience challenges in their personal relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life. The constant state of worry can lead to:

  • Impaired Relationships: Anxiety can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Individuals may withdraw from social interactions, leading to feelings of isolation.
  • Work Performance: Excessive worry can hinder concentration and productivity at work. Individuals may struggle to meet deadlines or perform tasks, leading to increased stress.
  • Physical Health: Chronic anxiety can contribute to physical health issues, such as cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal disorders, and weakened immune function. Managing anxiety is crucial for overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Different?

Yes, while both are anxiety disorders, GAD involves excessive worry about various aspects of life, whereas social anxiety primarily focuses on the fear of social situations. Social anxiety can lead to avoidance behaviours, impacting social interactions and relationships.

Can Depression Cause Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Depression and anxiety often co-occur, and one can exacerbate the other. While depression itself may not cause GAD, individuals with depression may develop anxiety symptoms. It is essential to address both conditions for effective treatment.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Recognizing and addressing GAD early can significantly improve outcomes. Early intervention can prevent the disorder from worsening and help individuals develop effective coping strategies before anxiety becomes overwhelming. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of GAD, it is essential to seek help promptly. Early treatment can lead to better management of symptoms and an improved quality of life.

Check out Mave Health's holistic 12-week program that has been curated to offer personalized treatments for such mental health conditions. 


Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a common yet often misunderstood mental health condition. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for those affected. With appropriate support and treatment, individuals with GAD can lead fulfilling lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, seeking help from a mental health professional can be the first step toward recovery. Remember, GAD is manageable with the right resources and support. By fostering awareness and encouraging open conversations about mental health, we can help reduce the stigma surrounding anxiety disorders and promote a culture of understanding and support. The journey toward managing GAD may be challenging, but with the right tools and support, individuals can reclaim their lives and thrive. 


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This article explains how anxiety affects you if you have depression and provides you with tips to deal with feelings of anxiety. ...

Author's Profile picture
Manasvi Dodiya
Aug 9 2024
man having depression due to work
DepressionMental Health

Work Depression: How to Manage with Depression at Work

Learn about workplace depression - signs and symptoms of work depression, and tips for managing workplace depression. ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 9 2024
cannabis and mental health
Mental Health

Cannabis and Mental Health: How Weed [Marijuana] Affects Your Mental Health?

Uncover how cannabis affects the mind, from short-term effects to long-term impacts. Learn about its therapeutic uses and potential risks to ment...

Author's Profile picture
Munira Electricwala
Aug 28 2024
climate change anxiety

Climate Anxiety[2024]: 10 Tips on How to Deal Climate Change Anxiety

Climate anxiety is not recognized as a mental health disorder in the DSM. Having said that, there is debate among scholars about whether or not w...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 5 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 11 Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
Mental Health

11 Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person

Am I mentally strong? 11 qualities of a mentally healthy person - Is my mental health declining? - Watch out for the following symptoms....

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Megha
Aug 28 2024
girl facing negative emotions
Mental Health

Negative Emotions: Types, Causes, and How to Deal with it Positively

Negative emotions, though often seen as undesirable, play a crucial role in our emotional health and overall well-being. Understanding their type...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
girl having panic attack

Panic Attacks Vs Anxiety: What’s The Difference?

In this article, we explore the difference between panic attacks and anxiety. ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 26 2024
woman during counseling with mental health professional for treatment of anxiety

How Do Psychiatrists Treat Anxiety Disorders?

Learn to distinguish normal worry from disorder. Discover types, symptoms, treatment options, and lifestyle changes to manage anxiety effectively...

Author's Profile picture
Aug 28 2024
woman self assessing her depression symptoms
DepressionMental Health

Do I Have Depression? Self-Assessment Questions to Ask Before Deciding 'I’m Depressed'

Do I've Depression? Self-Assessment Questions to Ask before you decide “You're Depressed” This is an article about 10 self-assessment tools for d...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 18 2024
teen substance abuse
Mental Health

Teen Substance Abuse: Signs & Factors - A Growing Concern

This is an article about teenage substance abuse. In this article, we discuss risk factors, signs, prevention, and treatment of teenage substance...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 24 2024
non-pharmacological treatment of depression
Mental Health

Evidence-Based Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Depression in 2024: Comprehensive Guide

This is an article about the management of depression without the use of medication. Non-pharmacological treatment of depression includes psychot...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 23 2024
girl having social anxiety.

11 Proven Tips: How to Help Someone Overcome Social Anxiety and Shyness FAST

This article delves into self-help tips for the management of social anxiety....

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 18 2024
loss of appetite
DepressionMental Health

Loss of Appetite in Depression: 7 tips on How to Fight with Appetite loss If you've Depression

Depression can often lead to loss of appetite, however, these 7 tips can help manage eating habits and other depression related symptoms. ...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Aug 28 2024
social anxiety disorder.

Social Anxiety Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment Options

This is an article about social anxiety disorder. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms of social anxiety, causes of social anxiety and t...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 15 2024
girl getting hypnotherapy.

Can Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis) Help Conquer Social Anxiety? Explore Benefits and Treatment

In this article, we explore what hypnotherapy is, and how it can be useful for the treatment of social anxiety. ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 12 2024
girl having negative feelings about her body
Mental Health

Negative Body Image: 9 tips to overcome along with Causes, Triggers, Impact

This article talks about the causes, triggers and impact of negative body image, and addresses 9 ways you can overcome negative body image...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 9 2024
Talk Therapy - A group of people talking and helping each other
TherapyMental Health

Talk Therapy: Benefits, How it Works, in R'ship with Anxiety, Depression & Pain

Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, has its own benefits for different conditions and mental health concerns. The focus of talk therapies is...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Jul 8 2024
Doctor tele-consulting via online, mental health patient on laptop
Mental HealthTherapy

How Does Online Therapy for Mental Health Work?

Explore 2024 Digital mental health therapy's effectiveness! Benefits, limitations, & how it compares to in-person sessions. Expert insights & inf...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
tdcs device for anxiety - a young lgirl who is happy while using tdcs device

tDCS Device for Anxiety: Exploring Effectiveness, Treatment, and Safety

tDCS shows promise for anxiety disorders by modulating brain activity. Consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial....

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Himanshu Nirvan
Sep 18 2024
Picture of man and woman holding earth globe and Improve Relationships Without Leaving Someone with OCPD
Mental Health

OCPD & Marriage: 12 Ways to Improve Relationships Without Leaving Someone with OCPD

Struggling with OCPD in your marriage? Discover 12 strategies to build understanding, communication, and compassion. Strengthen your bond and cre...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Aug 30 2024
Fear vs. Perfection - Know Deep Dive Differences of OCD and OCPD
Mental Health

OCD Vs. OCPD: What's the Main Difference Between Their Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Confused by OCD vs. OCPD? This guide breaks down the differences in symptoms, causes, and treatments. Learn how these conditions impact daily lif...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Jun 24 2024
A girl with beyonf PMS - Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Mental Health

[Expert Guide] Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - PMDD: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Severe PMS Ruining Your Life? It Might Be PMDD. Understand the science behind PMDD, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and effective treatmen...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 13 2024
A Girl with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder on Desk
Mental Health

OCPD: Signs & Symptoms & 7 Tips to Overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Struggling with OCD-like symptoms but not quite the disorder? You might have Overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder[OCPD]. Learn the ...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Aug 30 2024
Questions To Ask Your Psychiatrist
Mental HealthDepressionAnxiety

Top 25 Interesting Questions To Ask Your Psychiatrist In 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Patients often lack crucial information about their mental health. Here are 7 essential questions to ask your psychiatrist about mental health is...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Aug 29 2024
Mental Health

What is Therapeutic Alliance and Why it is Important in 2024?

This is an article about the therapeutic alliance and its importance in mental health therapy. In this article, you’ll learn about the concept of...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 6 2024
a group of girls who is so open about their body positivity and body neutrality
Mental Health

Body Positivity vs Body Neutrality: How to Practice Body Neutrality in 9 Ways

This article explores the origin, benefits, and challenges of body positivity and body neutrality. It also offers practical tips for practicing b...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 9 2024
Benefits of Anxiety - a negative can be turned to be positiv

7 Benefits of Anxiety 2024: How to Use Anxiety To Your Advantage [as a Strength]

Discover the surprising benefits of anxiety, from alerting us to danger to driving motivation and fostering empathy. Learn how to use anxiety to ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 10 2024
Employee Burnout - A Girl feels like burned out and frustrated due to workpressure
Mental Health

Employee Burnout[2024]: 7 Tips on How to Prevent Burnout & 7 Tips on Recover from Burnout

We talk about employee burnout, the prevalence of burnout, 7 tips on prevention of burnout, and 7 tips on recovery from burnout in 2024...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 4 2024
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation-In this pic doctor is showing that he is treating mental health issue without invasive brain s
tDCSMental Health

Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation[NIBS] in 2024: How It works | Applications & Types

Discover Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) in 2024: the way it works, packages, and brands. Explore the ultra-modern improvements in secure, ...

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Himanshu Nirvan
Sep 18 2024
different types of Neurostimulation - a detailed explanation
Mental HealthtDCS

Neurostimulation: Types, Benefits, Safety, and Effectiveness

An updated 2024 article explaining what neurostimulation is, types of neurostimulation, benefits of neurostimulation, safety protocols and effect...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 4 2024
A young women is stressed after knowing - Yes, Stress Can Cause Weight Gain!
Mental Health

Does Stress Cause Weight Gain? Yes, Here’s Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It

Discover how stress affects weight gain in 2024 and know 7 simple ways to manage it effectively. Learn about cortisol stress hormone, metabolism ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 24 2024
54321 Anxiety Grounding Technique
AnxietyMental Health

54321 Method: How to Use 5 4 3 2 1 Anxiety Grounding Technique [Step by Step Exercise]

54321 Method grounding exercise, also called 5-senses meditation. This article explains what the technique is, its benefits, and its limitations ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 26 2024
masking in mental health - a man is hiding his face with hands
Mental Health

Masking In Mental Health: Causes, Signs & 5 Things To Do To Start Unmasking in 2024

Explaining what masking in mental health is, the signs of masking personality disorder, and ways to stop it or cope with it in 2024. ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 28 2024
Girl with medicine like SSRIs with happy face
Mental Health

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors[SSRIs]: Types, Uses, Drug, Side Effects, and How it Works

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are considered to be safer to use for depression and anxiety in 2024. Know how it works,types, uses & sid...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 12 2024
mind body somatic experiencing therapy
TherapyMental Health

Somatic Experiencing® Therapy: An Introduction to Healing Trauma Through the Body

Discover the Somatic Experiencing® approach to trauma therapy, detailing its benefits, cons, and methods to promote profound healing through body...

Author's Profile picture
Jul 13 2024
principles of adlerian psychology
Mental Health

What are the principles of Adlerian Psychology?

Explore how Adler's approach differs from Freud's, with a book recommendation for practical insights. Understand Adler's lasting legacy in psycho...

Author's Profile picture
Jul 13 2024
happy family bowens family system theory
TherapyMental Health

What is Bowen Family Systems Theory?

Explore the core concepts of Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST), its applications in therapy, and criticisms it faces. Learn how BFST provides va...

Author's Profile picture
Apr 24 2024
Picture for Blog post titled ADHD Diagnosis: Understanding the Importance of Accurate Diagnosis
ADHDMental Health

ADHD Diagnosis: Understanding the Importance of Accurate Diagnosis

Explore ADHD diagnosis & its impact on daily life. Learn symptoms, misconceptions, & why seeking professional help is crucial....

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Jul 31 2024
How the Cognitive Behavioral Approach helps in treating Anxiety

How the Cognitive Behavioural Approach helps in treating Anxiety

In recent years, talk therapies like the Cognitive Behavioral approach to treat anxiety have become prominent. Know in detail about this evidence...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 12 2024
Picture for Blog post titled How to Support Someone with OCD? Empathy and Communication
OCDMental Health

How to Support Someone with OCD? Empathy and Communication

This article delves into the role of caregivers in the treatment of OCD and how empathy and communication are vital tools for supporting someone ...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
is severe depression curable or manageable

Anxiety Attacks: Signs, Treatments, Benefits & Management

This article explains how anxiety and panic attacks are distinct. Know the various treatments for anxiety attacks and the benefits of treating an...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Why Therapy is Good for Everyone: When to Seek It & What to Do if It’s Not Working
Mental Health

Why Therapy is Good for Everyone: When to Seek It & What to Do if It’s Not Working

So, is therapy for everyone? The answer is that it’s a little complicated. Read to know when you need therapy or if therapy is the only way out f...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled The Vicious Cycle: Anxiety, Chest Pain, and Increased Stress

The Vicious Cycle: Anxiety, Chest Pain, and Increased Stress

Does anxiety cause chest pain? This article explores the link between anxiety, chest pain, and increased stress, and how these conditions go hand...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Euthymic Mood - Therapy Club
Mental Health

Euthymic Mood with Congruent and Reactive Affect: A Comprehensive Guide

Euthymic mood refers to a state of psychological well-being. With this blog let's explore Euthymia in Bipolar Disorder and it's two types....

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 7 Qualities of a Great Therapist: How To Know Your Therapist Is A Good Fit For You?
TherapyMental Health

7 Qualities of a Great Therapist: How To Know Your Therapist Is A Good Fit For You?

Is your therapist a good fit? Our article helps you discover the characteristics of a good therapist so you can make informed decisions about you...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
TherapyMental Health

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach has proven effective in dealing with anxiety, depression, OCD etc. Read on to learn about the therap...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
what is PTSD
Mental Health

What Is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

For treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder therapists conduct a detailed assessment of symptoms. Know major elements and common therapies o...

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Himanshu Nirvan
Sep 10 2024
What is Trauma - a person with a hands on head sitting with therapist
Mental Health

What is Trauma? Symptoms and Types

Trauma causes a significant negative impact on a person’s health and quality of life. This article delves into Types of Trauma, it's symptoms and...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Anxiety Attacks vs Panic Attacks: Are They The Same?

Anxiety Attacks vs Panic Attacks: Are They The Same?

Ever wondered about the differences between anxiety attacks vs panic attacks? Yes, they are different, and knowing this helps you seek a proper t...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Mental Health and Therapy: Who Needs Therapy and Questions to Ask them
Mental HealthTherapy

Mental Health and Therapy: Who Needs Therapy and Questions to Ask them

This article deep dives into the benefits of therapy for mental illness and beyond. Know the symptoms of poor mental health, and the kinds of the...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled What Will Happens In A Therapy Session? Peek Inside The Therapy Room
TherapyMental Health

What Will Happens In A Therapy Session? Peek Inside The Therapy Room

Most therapists will begin their therapy sessions with you by asking about your goals and expectations and providing you with information about t...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 4 2024
Picture for Blog post titled What does a Psychologist do to Help with Mental Wellness and Health
PsychologistMental Health

What does a Psychologist do to Help with Mental Wellness and Health

This article helps in understanding what a psychologist does in therapy and some of the common specialized counseling approaches used by psycholo...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
mental wellness is as important as physical fitness - therapyclub
Mental Health

The Relationship Between Physical and Mental Health

This article digs into the fundamental links between physical and mental health, illuminating the intricate ways each region has an effect on the...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 20 Practical Strategies on How to Overcome Depression?
DepressionMental Health

20 Practical Strategies on How to Overcome Depression?

Let's explore practical approaches to overcome depression that acknowledge the difficulties of the journey while emphasising the power of increme...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Different Types of Mental Health Disorders
Mental Health

Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

5 Broad Types of Mental Health Disorders include- Anxious distress, Mood distress, Psychotic Distress, Trauma distress, and Addiction disorders....

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture for Blog post titled The Role of Nutrition in Anxiety Management
AnxietyMental Health

The Role of Nutrition in Anxiety Management

Focusing on specific anxiety-reducing foods can nourish our body and mind, paving the way for calmer, more resilient states and combating anxiety...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 4 Types of Mental Healthcare Providers in India in 2024
Mental Health

4 Types of Mental Healthcare Providers in India in 2024

The Mental Healthcare Providers in India practice under various titles. Let’s know about the most common types of Psychologists to make an inform...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 7 Types Of Depression: Major, Chronic, Manic, and More Types
DepressionMental Health

7 Types Of Depression: Major, Chronic, Manic, and More Types

Gain insights into the intricate landscape of depression with our comprehensive guide covering 7 types or forms of Depression from MDD to Bipolar...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Bipolar Disorder Treatment - Therapyclub
Mental Health

Bipolar Disorder: Treatment Approaches

Bipolar disorder treatment usually involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Social Rhythm Th...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Sep 10 2024
Two young girls discussing how therapy plays vital role in treating ADHD
ADHDMental Health

The Role of Therapy in ADHD Management

In this article, we’ll be exploring the role of different types of therapeutic treatments assisting in managing the complexities of ADHD. Learn ...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture for Blog post titled In 2024, How to Overcome Stress?
Mental Health

In 2024, How to Overcome Stress?

This article guides you on activating your in-built parasympathetic nervous system to build resilience from how to manage and overcome stress....

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled ADHD: Symptoms, Early Signs and Intervention
ADHDMental Health

ADHD: Symptoms, Early Signs and Intervention

It is essential to know the early signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to ensure timely diagnosis and appropriat...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 10 2024
Feelings and Signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Therapyclub
AnxietyMental Health

Do I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder?

Our Guide to Generalized Anxiety Disorder- Know the key indicators, subtle signs, symptoms, and 3-3-3 Rule for tackling the feelings of GAD....

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024

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