Easy and Best 20+ Habits For Good and Healthy Mental Health

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Prachi Gangwani
Mental Health Professional | Psychologist & Author
29 Aug 202416 min read
healthy food-water-exercise-rope-with salad for building an Habits For Good and Healthy Mental Health

Why Are Mental Health Habits Important?

Just as we need to develop good habits for our physical health, we need healthy mental health habits for our psychological and emotional health. Good mental health habits work as a preventive measure, cutting the risk of various mental health conditions like depression and anxiety significantly. 

Since the pandemic of COVID-19, there has been growing awareness about mental health, and we are finally learning to pay attention to how our daily lives and habits shape our mental well-being. 

Taking a proactive approach to our mental well-being can help us build resilience, and protect us from unmanageable distress as well as high and chronic stress. 

20 Habits For Good and Healthy Mental Health

While we recognise that our habits impact our physical health, we tend to underestimate the importance of good habits for mental health. Adequate sleep, good nutrition and regular movement benefit our mental health just as much as they do our physical health. 

For example, studies show that individuals who have insomnia are twice as likely to develop depression. Studies also show that with regular exercise, poor mental health days are reduced by 40%! Small habits can have an incremental impact and help us steer closer to a state of mental health and wellness. Good mental health is not just about being free of symptoms. 

It’s about being emotionally regulated, having positive self-esteem and autonomy and building resilience. These are all signs of good mental health. Here are a few habits you can develop to improve your mental health:  

1. Establish a Regular Sleep Routine

The relationship between sleep routine and mental health is well-documented. 

The mental health benefits of sleep include:

  • Improved learning and memory 
  • Better decision-making and problem-solving 
  • Improved concentration and focus 
  • Improved creativity 
  • Mood regulation 
  • Increased ability to cope with changes 

It is recommended that we get 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep to reap its benefits. Maintaining sleep hygiene is essential for getting adequate and good quality sleep. Sleep hygiene includes an internal and external environment that is conducive to sleep.

To achieve Hygiene Sleep, you can do the following: 

  • Have dim or no lights in the room 
  • No noise
  • Keep the temperature optimal - neither too hot nor too cold 
  • Get a comfortable mattress and pillow 
  • Have your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime 
  • No screen time at least 30 minutes before bedtime 

2. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

One of the reasons why we feel anxious and distressed is because we are tuned out of ourselves, and often go through tasks in a disconnected manner. 

Many of us have hectic schedules and to check everything off our lists, we multitask. Seldom do we do things mindfully. Mindfulness simply means to do things with our full, undivided attention and presence. It is a step towards achieving a state of flow in our lives. 

Because our lives are not designed for us to go through them mindfully, we may need to cultivate this habit. Mindfulness and meditation techniques can help us train ourselves to be more present and engaged in our daily lives. 

Here are some mindfulness techniques you can try: 

  • Mindful breathing: Close your eyes and take 10 breaths with complete awareness
  • Mindful walking: Next time you for a walk, observe how your body feels, observe your surroundings and take in stimuli through all your senses. Notice the smells, sights, sounds. 
  • Try the RAIN mindfulness technique: RAIN here is an acronym. This is a four step technique that can help us cultivate self-compassion and understand our thoughts and feelings better. The four steps are - 
  1. Recognize what’s happening, both internally and externally 
  2. Allow the experience to be and resist the temptation to question, judge or modify 
  3. Investigate with kindness and curiosity 
  4. Nurture awareness of the experience without becoming the experience. This means if you are feeling sad, allow the feeling to exist by saying, ‘I am experiencing sadness’ instead of becoming the feeling by saying, ‘I am sad’. 

3. Engage in Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity is not just important for your physical health but is also one of the most useful habits for mental health. 

Benefits of regular exercise for mental health include

  • Reduction in symptoms of depression
  • Reduced anxiety 
  • Increased self-esteem 
  • Increased confidence
  • Better mood regulation 
  • Improved body confidence 

Having said this, it is important to maintain a balanced and healthy relationship with exercise. It is also known that in some cases, over-exercising can be a maladaptive coping mechanism, especially when it is seen in conjunction with eating disorders or body image issues

While exercising can help us cope, if we are completely dependent on it for coping, that may not be healthy either. Our relationship with exercise should be balanced. 

It’s also important to pay attention to the intensity and type of exercise we do. Exercise should benefit us, both physically and mentally, and should be suited to our goals and current health status. 

Low to medium-intensity aerobic exercises for 30 to 40 minutes 3 to 5 times a day are seen to be ideal for improved mental health outcomes. Yoga, cycling, walking, running or jogging and swimming are some forms of exercise that have mental health benefits. 

4. Maintain a Balanced Diet

How do you feel after eating a greasy, heavy curry? Sluggish? Lethargic? Heavy? And how do you feel after eating a balanced but light meal that has some protein, healthy carbs and fats, and a salad on the side? Most likely you’d feel energized after a meal like this. 

If we learn to pay attention, we can immediately begin to notice how we feel after certain meals. While in the short term, the sluggishness that comes after a decadent meal might feel like no big deal, if we habitually eat foods that are calorie-rich but don’t provide the right nutrition, it can begin to take a toll on our physical and mental health

In recent years, the field of nutritional psychiatry has advanced quite a bit, and we are learning that a balanced diet has many mental health benefits. 

A balanced diet consists of whole foods, fibre, and adequate macro and micronutrients. Avoiding ultra-processed foods is a cardinal rule of mental health nutrition. 

Make sure your diet has enough of the following: 

  • Vitamins 
  • Minerals 
  • Antioxidants 
  • Fibre
  • Protein 
  • Omega-3 fatty acids 

A balanced diet has the following benefits for mental health: 

  • It can reduce the risk of developing depression 
  • It can reduce symptoms of anxiety 
  • It keeps us alert and attentive 
  • It can reduce mood swings 

You can learn more about the role of nutrition in the management of anxiety

5. Cultivate Strong Social Connections

Strong and healthy relationships and social connections aren’t something that comes to mind when we think of habits for mental health. But, we are relational beings, and many of our mental health struggles have their roots in relational wounds. 

For example, if we are facing conflict in an intimate relationship, we are at a higher risk of developing depression or anxiety. On the other hand, healthy and balanced relationships and reliable social support are seen to be beneficial for our mental health. 

Strong social connections can protect us from getting deeply impacted by life’s ups and downs. It’s important to keep in mind here that how we show up in our relationships matters significantly. 

For example, if we are self-sacrificing and lack healthy boundaries, we are more susceptible to emotional distress when conflict arises in relationships. 

On the other hand, if we do not take personal responsibility for our well-being, no matter how supportive our loved ones might be, their mere presence will not make a difference. 

Perhaps then, a simpler way to put this is that when you are working on your mental health, cultivating strong social connections can make the journey easier and improve outcomes

Here are some tips that might be useful when it comes to building healthy and supportive relationships: 

  • Take responsibility for your actions and feelings, and try to be honest and authentic 
  • Offer reciprocity. If someone is there for you, return the gesture and offer them support too
  • Participating in community activities and celebrations can be a useful and fun way of showing and receiving support 
  • Be curious to learn about others. Ask questions and show interest in their life 
  • Learn to draw healthy boundaries and say no when needed. Remember that healthy boundaries are necessary for maintaining long-term close ties 

6. Practice Gratitude Daily

We often hear that gratitude and positive thinking help us feel better. But, this advice has a bit more nuance which is important to understand. 

When we are anxious or sad, our mind becomes cloudy. In an anxious state, we are not able to recognise the things that are working well in our lives. 

The same can be said for high stress. When we are living with unmanaged stress, it can become difficult for us to access things we can feel grateful for (like having a meal ready for you when you come home from work). 

A conscious and intentional gratitude practice teaches us to pay attention to the little things in life that we can be thankful for. It helps us acknowledge and remember the little things in life that add value.

Maintaining a gratitude journal can come in handy especially when things become challenging. Expressing your gratitude to people you love and who love you back is also a great way to build healthy relationships. 

7. Set Boundaries and Practice Saying No

Setting boundaries is important for building a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Boundaries are important in all areas of our lives - relationships, work, as well as self-care activities. 

Without healthy boundaries, we risk burning out. In personal relationships, a lack of boundaries can build resentment over time and impact our sense of self and confidence. 

Some things to keep in mind when setting boundaries for better mental health: 

  • Learn about your limits and signs of exhaustion, and use a pre-emptive approach. Take a break to replenish before you reach the point of complete exhaustion 
  • Setting boundaries and changing existing patterns take time. Be patient 
  • If you’re setting boundaries with someone you’ve lacked boundaries with before, they may not take well to it. That’s a part of the process, and with time, they will come around. 
  • When you think about the boundaries you need, think about sustainability. If you’re not sure if a boundary is appropriate or not, ask yourself: ‘Can I sustain this behaviour or pattern for another two or three years?’

8. Engage in Creative Activities

Creativity is an original and new way of thinking about things. It is something all of us can and should cultivate since creative pursuits provide good mental stimulation keeping our minds healthy. 

Creative pursuits help us challenge and feel in control of our thoughts and feelings as we find new ways to perceive and express things

Drawing, painting and writing can also help us express deep emotions we may find difficult to put in words. Creative activities can be stimulating as well as cathartic, and you’re never too old to get your juices flowing! 

9. Limit Screen Time and Social Media Use

While social media gives us access to information, and entertainment and may even help us build social connections, it is not without its downsides. Excessive social media use and screen time are seen to be detrimental to our mental health

It can increase feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression and even contribute to negative body image. A balanced relationship with social media is important for good mental health. 

Here are some tips for not letting social media impact your wellbeing: 

  • Set a time limit to daily use of social media. Many apps like Instagram allow you to set a reminder when you reach your daily limit. Use this feature 
  • To break out of a doomscrolling spell, get up and get moving. Take a walk around the house. Get yourself a glass of water or step outside if that’s an option for you 
  • Filter the content you consume. If certain types of content trigger you or cause anxiety or insecurity, mute those accounts
  • Don’t compare your life to what you see on social media! Remember that what you see online is a heavily filtered version of reality 

10. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep and mindful breathing is a quick way to relieve stress and reset our minds. Try to make deep breathing a part of your daily routine. Maybe you can start your day with it, or practice it when you start feeling overwhelmed. 

Here’s a quick guide to deep breathing: 

  • Relax your back and shoulders and try to sit with your back straight but not strained 
  • Close your eyes and take a few normal breaths
  • Take a moment to bring all your focus on your breathing, and when you’re ready to deepen your breath, give it a colour 
  • As you inhale through the nose, visualise your breath going in and filling up your body 
  • Let your torso expand on all four sides with the in-breath 
  • Let your breath reach the bottom of your belly 
  • Now slowly start exhaling through the nose
  • Make sure you exhale fully so that your next inhalation is automatic 
  • Repeat 5 times 

11. Engage in Lifelong Learning

Adopting a learning mindset can improve our overall well-being and quality of life. Lifelong learning keeps our minds sharp and reduces our risk of dementia and other age-related cognitive decline. It also keeps us motivated

Some ways to continue learning all through our lives are: 

  • Reading all sorts of literature helps us gain knowledge and keeps our linguistic skills sharp 
  • Learn a new language 
  • Travel to a place you’ve never visited before 
  • Learn a new skill like painting or pottery 
  • Play games that challenge your cognitive skills. Games like Sudoku and Crossword puzzles are good for the brain! 
  • Learn a new recipe or a new way of doing something you’re already good at 

12. Prioritize Time in Nature

Nature heals. But, if you live in a city, chances are you seldom spend time in nature. The Japanese have found a solution to this and in their big cities, they regularly organise ‘Forest Bathing’ events. Forest bathing or shinrin-yoku is the Japanese art of soaking in nature by doing a mindful walk in a green and natural environment. Forest bathing was introduced as a way to cope with tech burnout. No matter where you are, you can spend more time in nature by visiting local parks or growing a garden at home. 

13. Practice Self-Compassion

Many of us have a hypercritical inner voice which can keep us from growing as individuals. Practising self-compassion is a form of self-care that, when done correctly, can help us get through difficult circumstances and evolve as human beings. 

Here are some ways to be more compassionate toward yourself: 

  • Adopt a curious stance toward yourself. Instead of passing quick judgements or being dismissive of your thoughts and feelings, get curious about them. What are they teaching you? What need are they bringing up? What caused these thoughts and feelings?  And Stop hating yourself.
  • Recognise and honour your stress signs. Everyone gets stressed once in a while. What does stress look like for you? Do you become cranky? Do you zone out? Do you want a hug from a loved one? Recognizing how stress shows up for us is the first step to managing it 
  • Don’t overextend yourself. Know your limits, and work within those. Not only will this protect you from burning out, it will also help you build a more sustainable lifestyle. 

14. Stay Hydrated

Adequate hydration helps us feel more alert and energetic. Hydration is also important for good metabolism and physical health, which in turn, keeps our mental health in good shape. Plain old water intake, however, is not the only way to ensure adequate hydration. 

Water-rich foods like watermelon, oranges and cucumber also keep our body hydrated. If you don’t like drinking plain water, you can have coconut water or lemonade to meet the body’s needs for liquids. Avoiding dehydrating substances like too much caffeine or alcohol is also beneficial. 

15. Seek Professional Help When Needed

Despite the growing awareness of mental health issues, there is still a pervasive notion that unless one is completely unable to manage or cope, there is no need to see a therapist. 

But, therapy can also be a great avenue for self-exploration and prevention. If you’re feeling “off” or stuck or confused, a psychiatrist, psychologist or counsellor or therapist can help you process and unpack this

Our mental health exists on a spectrum between illness and wellness, and we don’t have to wait till we reach the far end of illness to seek professional help like therapy or joining a support group. 

At Mave Health, we offer a 12-week comprehensive program for mental health. With access to mental health professionals, nutritionists, fitness professionals, and our user-friendly neurostimulation tDCS device, ARC, we offer holistic care for your mental health needs.

16. Engage in Regular Reflection

Mentally healthy individuals are self-aware and have mental clarity. Self-reflection can help us learn more about our thoughts and emotions, how we respond to situations, what we desire or fear, and what’s valuable to us. 

Without being self-aware, we would go through life on autopilot or follow blindly what others expect of us, never taking ownership of our lives. 

If we don’t know what we want or don’t want, we will not be able to make informed decisions for ourselves. Maintaining a journal is a great way to introspect and keep track of how we evolve. 

17. Volunteer and Give Back to the Community

Community involvement and volunteering for a cause can give us a sense of purpose and meaning, while also giving us opportunities to build social networks with like-minded individuals. If there is a social cause you feel strongly about, you can find a way to work towards it. 

For example, many animal lovers volunteer at shelters or independently organise food and fostering for stray animals. If you feel strongly about women’s health and rights, you can volunteer at an NGO. 

Family members of cancer survivors or patients who succumbed to cancer often volunteer for cancer support organisations as a way to cope and offer help. Whatever the cause you feel strongly about, there is an avenue where you can pay forward by offering your help and time. 

18. Focus on a Positive Work-Life Balance

While we may not always have control over the number of hours we have to put into work, we can learn to set some boundaries and compartmentalise between our work life and personal life. Work-life balance and stress management also go hand in hand, and here are some ways you can work towards achieving both: 

  • When you’re not at work, switch off from work. Put away your gadgets, and avoid checking work-related notifications 
  • Incorporate 10-15 minutes of relaxation exercises into your daily life. The best time to do this might be in the morning before starting work 
  • Treat the first 30 minutes of your day, and the last 30 minutes of your day as sacred and avoid any work-related tasks 
  • When at work, try to take regular breaks. Incorporate some movement - stretching or a short walk during these breaks 
  • Have an active social life outside of work. For many of us, our social lives and professional lives get intertwined. Don’t depend on your colleagues for your personal and social needs 

19. Limit Alcohol and Substance Use

Alcohol, weed and other substance use can be both symptoms of mental health distress and a cause for it. While it’s okay to have a drink socially every once in a while, overuse can lead to dependency and addiction.

Excessive substance use and addiction can lead to emotional, behavioural and social changes. It may increase our vulnerability to developing other mental health conditions. It can take a toll on relationships and impact our loved ones. 

It can also reduce our motivation and productivity and have a detrimental impact on our professional lives. Some substances may also increase risk-taking behaviour.

Here are some ways to drink in moderation and find healthier ways to cope with stress:

  • Limit the number of days of the week you drink 
  • Limit the number of drinks you have in one sitting 
  • Avoid drinking or using other substances alone 
  • Learn to identify your triggers and signs of stress 
  • When you notice stress levels increasing, go for a short walk or decompress by watching something or spending time with a loved one 
  • Seek therapy if you are struggling to cope 
  • Incorporate relaxation practices into your daily life 
  • Regular physical activity or exercise routine can also help cope with stress and reduce substance use 


Maintaining healthy habits is important not just for physical health but mental health too, and the same habits benefit both. Sleep, nutrition, diet, good relationships and stress management are the main five buckets that we need to pay attention to. Taking care of these in a sustainable way can serve a protective function and make us mentally resilient and better prepared to deal with life’s challenges.


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Social Withdrawal: Symptoms, Risk Factors, How to Cope with It

Discover the symptoms, causes, and coping strategies for social withdrawal. Learn how to overcome and manage this behaviour for better mental wel...

Author's Profile picture
Afeefa Rafath
Aug 28 2024
Guide to address How to Find the Best Clinical Psychologist in Bengaluru: Your Guide to Optimal Mental Health
PsychologistMental Health

How to Find the Best Clinical Psychologist in Bengaluru: Your Guide to Optimal Mental Health

This article provides you with tips to find the best psychologist in Bengaluru and prepare for your first therapy session. ...

Author's Profile picture
Manasvi Dodiya
Aug 28 2024
Color therapy- hand full of colour
Mental Health

Colour Therapy [Chromotherapy]: How Colour Healing Therapy Boosts Mood and Energy

Discover how Colour Therapy (Chromotherapy) uses specific colours to boost mood, increase energy levels, and holistically alleviate anxiety....

Author's Profile picture
Afeefa Rafath
Aug 27 2024
How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts
Mental Health

How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts: Prevention and Coping Strategies

Are You Feeling Suicidal? This article explains suicidal thoughts, signs of suicidal thoughts, prevention of suicide and strategies for coping wi...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 27 2024
Mental Health

Neurotransmitters: Roles, Functions, and Impact on Mental Health

Learn about neurotransmitters as chemical messengers in the brain, their diverse roles, and how they influence mood, behaviour, and overall healt...

Author's Profile picture
Munira Electricwala
Aug 27 2024
why i feel like hated by everyone - a group of friends enjoying and one sat next to them feeling sad
Mental Health

Why Do I Feel Like Everyone Hates Me? 15 Ways to Combat "Being Hated" & "Self Hate"

Don't let feelings of being hated consume you. Discover effective techniques to manage isolation, cultivate self-compassion, and seek professiona...

Author's Profile picture
Munira Electricwala
Aug 27 2024
When to See a Psychiatrist
Mental Health

When to See a Psychiatrist: Reasons, Benefits, and Next Steps

Discover when to see a psychiatrist, the benefits of psychiatric care, and essential steps for mental health support and well-being....

Author's Profile picture
Afeefa Rafath
Aug 26 2024
man worrying at home he got a high functioning depression
DepressionMental Health

What is High-Functioning Depression? Signs and Symptoms

This is an article about high functioning depression, signs and symptoms of high functioning depression, treatment options and coping mechanisms....

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 22 2024
a young lady sat with. disappointment with shaking body because of anxiety
AnxietyMental Health

Anxiety: Signs & Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Treatment [Expert Guide]

This is an in-depth article about anxiety. In this article, we address signs and symptoms of anxiety, types of anxiety, causes of anxiety and tre...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 22 2024
Cheerful art therapy teacher and students enjoying painting class for Mental health Benefits
Mental Health

Art Therapy for Mental Health: Benefits and Techniques

Explore the benefits and techniques of art therapy, a creative approach to enhancing mental health by fostering emotional expression and personal...

Author's Profile picture
Aug 20 2024
Tired young businessman drinking and suffering from mental health issue
Mental Health

Alcohol and Mental Health: How Alcohol Affects Your Mental Health?

Explore the profound impact of alcohol on mental health, its link to disorders like depression and anxiety, and the importance of seeking profess...

Author's Profile picture
Afeefa Rafath
Sep 17 2024
A good female psychologist treating a guy in clinic
Mental Health

6 Tips for Choosing a Psychiatrist: How to Find a Good Psychiatrist

In this article, we talk about what a psychiatrist does, their scope of work, the qualifications of a psychiatrist and what to keep in mind when ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 13 2024
man having depression due to work
DepressionMental Health

Work Depression: How to Manage with Depression at Work

Learn about workplace depression - signs and symptoms of work depression, and tips for managing workplace depression. ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 9 2024
cannabis and mental health
Mental Health

Cannabis and Mental Health: How Weed [Marijuana] Affects Your Mental Health?

Uncover how cannabis affects the mind, from short-term effects to long-term impacts. Learn about its therapeutic uses and potential risks to ment...

Author's Profile picture
Munira Electricwala
Aug 28 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 11 Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
Mental Health

11 Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person

Am I mentally strong? 11 qualities of a mentally healthy person - Is my mental health declining? - Watch out for the following symptoms....

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Megha
Aug 28 2024
girl facing negative emotions
Mental Health

Negative Emotions: Types, Causes, and How to Deal with it Positively

Negative emotions, though often seen as undesirable, play a crucial role in our emotional health and overall well-being. Understanding their type...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
woman self assessing her depression symptoms
DepressionMental Health

Do I Have Depression? Self-Assessment Questions to Ask Before Deciding 'I’m Depressed'

Do I've Depression? Self-Assessment Questions to Ask before you decide “You're Depressed” This is an article about 10 self-assessment tools for d...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 18 2024
teen substance abuse
Mental Health

Teen Substance Abuse: Signs & Factors - A Growing Concern

This is an article about teenage substance abuse. In this article, we discuss risk factors, signs, prevention, and treatment of teenage substance...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 24 2024
non-pharmacological treatment of depression
Mental Health

Evidence-Based Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Depression in 2024: Comprehensive Guide

This is an article about the management of depression without the use of medication. Non-pharmacological treatment of depression includes psychot...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 23 2024
loss of appetite
DepressionMental Health

Loss of Appetite in Depression: 7 tips on How to Fight with Appetite loss If you've Depression

Depression can often lead to loss of appetite, however, these 7 tips can help manage eating habits and other depression related symptoms. ...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Aug 28 2024
girl having negative feelings about her body
Mental Health

Negative Body Image: 9 tips to overcome along with Causes, Triggers, Impact

This article talks about the causes, triggers and impact of negative body image, and addresses 9 ways you can overcome negative body image...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 9 2024
Talk Therapy - A group of people talking and helping each other
TherapyMental Health

Talk Therapy: Benefits, How it Works, in R'ship with Anxiety, Depression & Pain

Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, has its own benefits for different conditions and mental health concerns. The focus of talk therapies is...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Jul 8 2024
Doctor tele-consulting via online, mental health patient on laptop
Mental HealthTherapy

How Does Online Therapy for Mental Health Work?

Explore 2024 Digital mental health therapy's effectiveness! Benefits, limitations, & how it compares to in-person sessions. Expert insights & inf...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture of man and woman holding earth globe and Improve Relationships Without Leaving Someone with OCPD
Mental Health

OCPD & Marriage: 12 Ways to Improve Relationships Without Leaving Someone with OCPD

Struggling with OCPD in your marriage? Discover 12 strategies to build understanding, communication, and compassion. Strengthen your bond and cre...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Aug 30 2024
Fear vs. Perfection - Know Deep Dive Differences of OCD and OCPD
Mental Health

OCD Vs. OCPD: What's the Main Difference Between Their Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Confused by OCD vs. OCPD? This guide breaks down the differences in symptoms, causes, and treatments. Learn how these conditions impact daily lif...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Jun 24 2024
A girl with beyonf PMS - Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Mental Health

[Expert Guide] Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - PMDD: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Severe PMS Ruining Your Life? It Might Be PMDD. Understand the science behind PMDD, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and effective treatmen...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 13 2024
A Girl with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder on Desk
Mental Health

OCPD: Signs & Symptoms & 7 Tips to Overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Struggling with OCD-like symptoms but not quite the disorder? You might have Overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder[OCPD]. Learn the ...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Aug 30 2024
Questions To Ask Your Psychiatrist
Mental HealthDepressionAnxiety

Top 25 Interesting Questions To Ask Your Psychiatrist In 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Patients often lack crucial information about their mental health. Here are 7 essential questions to ask your psychiatrist about mental health is...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Aug 29 2024
Mental Health

What is Therapeutic Alliance and Why it is Important in 2024?

This is an article about the therapeutic alliance and its importance in mental health therapy. In this article, you’ll learn about the concept of...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 6 2024
a group of girls who is so open about their body positivity and body neutrality
Mental Health

Body Positivity vs Body Neutrality: How to Practice Body Neutrality in 9 Ways

This article explores the origin, benefits, and challenges of body positivity and body neutrality. It also offers practical tips for practicing b...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jul 9 2024
Employee Burnout - A Girl feels like burned out and frustrated due to workpressure
Mental Health

Employee Burnout[2024]: 7 Tips on How to Prevent Burnout & 7 Tips on Recover from Burnout

We talk about employee burnout, the prevalence of burnout, 7 tips on prevention of burnout, and 7 tips on recovery from burnout in 2024...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 4 2024
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation-In this pic doctor is showing that he is treating mental health issue without invasive brain s
tDCSMental Health

Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation[NIBS] in 2024: How It works | Applications & Types

Discover Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) in 2024: the way it works, packages, and brands. Explore the ultra-modern improvements in secure, ...

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Himanshu Nirvan
Sep 18 2024
different types of Neurostimulation - a detailed explanation
Mental HealthtDCS

Neurostimulation: Types, Benefits, Safety, and Effectiveness

An updated 2024 article explaining what neurostimulation is, types of neurostimulation, benefits of neurostimulation, safety protocols and effect...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 4 2024
A young women is stressed after knowing - Yes, Stress Can Cause Weight Gain!
Mental Health

Does Stress Cause Weight Gain? Yes, Here’s Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It

Discover how stress affects weight gain in 2024 and know 7 simple ways to manage it effectively. Learn about cortisol stress hormone, metabolism ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Jun 24 2024
54321 Anxiety Grounding Technique
AnxietyMental Health

54321 Method: How to Use 5 4 3 2 1 Anxiety Grounding Technique [Step by Step Exercise]

54321 Method grounding exercise, also called 5-senses meditation. This article explains what the technique is, its benefits, and its limitations ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 26 2024
masking in mental health - a man is hiding his face with hands
Mental Health

Masking In Mental Health: Causes, Signs & 5 Things To Do To Start Unmasking in 2024

Explaining what masking in mental health is, the signs of masking personality disorder, and ways to stop it or cope with it in 2024. ...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Aug 28 2024
Girl with medicine like SSRIs with happy face
Mental Health

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors[SSRIs]: Types, Uses, Drug, Side Effects, and How it Works

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are considered to be safer to use for depression and anxiety in 2024. Know how it works,types, uses & sid...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 12 2024
mind body somatic experiencing therapy
TherapyMental Health

Somatic Experiencing® Therapy: An Introduction to Healing Trauma Through the Body

Discover the Somatic Experiencing® approach to trauma therapy, detailing its benefits, cons, and methods to promote profound healing through body...

Author's Profile picture
Jul 13 2024
principles of adlerian psychology
Mental Health

What are the principles of Adlerian Psychology?

Explore how Adler's approach differs from Freud's, with a book recommendation for practical insights. Understand Adler's lasting legacy in psycho...

Author's Profile picture
Jul 13 2024
happy family bowens family system theory
TherapyMental Health

What is Bowen Family Systems Theory?

Explore the core concepts of Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST), its applications in therapy, and criticisms it faces. Learn how BFST provides va...

Author's Profile picture
Apr 24 2024
Picture for Blog post titled ADHD Diagnosis: Understanding the Importance of Accurate Diagnosis
ADHDMental Health

ADHD Diagnosis: Understanding the Importance of Accurate Diagnosis

Explore ADHD diagnosis & its impact on daily life. Learn symptoms, misconceptions, & why seeking professional help is crucial....

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Jul 31 2024
Picture for Blog post titled How to Support Someone with OCD? Empathy and Communication
OCDMental Health

How to Support Someone with OCD? Empathy and Communication

This article delves into the role of caregivers in the treatment of OCD and how empathy and communication are vital tools for supporting someone ...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Why Therapy is Good for Everyone: When to Seek It & What to Do if It’s Not Working
Mental Health

Why Therapy is Good for Everyone: When to Seek It & What to Do if It’s Not Working

So, is therapy for everyone? The answer is that it’s a little complicated. Read to know when you need therapy or if therapy is the only way out f...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Sep 10 2024
Euthymic Mood - Therapy Club
Mental Health

Euthymic Mood with Congruent and Reactive Affect: A Comprehensive Guide

Euthymic mood refers to a state of psychological well-being. With this blog let's explore Euthymia in Bipolar Disorder and it's two types....

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 7 Qualities of a Great Therapist: How To Know Your Therapist Is A Good Fit For You?
TherapyMental Health

7 Qualities of a Great Therapist: How To Know Your Therapist Is A Good Fit For You?

Is your therapist a good fit? Our article helps you discover the characteristics of a good therapist so you can make informed decisions about you...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
TherapyMental Health

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach has proven effective in dealing with anxiety, depression, OCD etc. Read on to learn about the therap...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
what is PTSD
Mental Health

What Is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

For treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder therapists conduct a detailed assessment of symptoms. Know major elements and common therapies o...

Author's Profile picture
Dr. Himanshu Nirvan
Sep 10 2024
What is Trauma - a person with a hands on head sitting with therapist
Mental Health

What is Trauma? Symptoms and Types

Trauma causes a significant negative impact on a person’s health and quality of life. This article delves into Types of Trauma, it's symptoms and...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Mental Health and Therapy: Who Needs Therapy and Questions to Ask them
Mental HealthTherapy

Mental Health and Therapy: Who Needs Therapy and Questions to Ask them

This article deep dives into the benefits of therapy for mental illness and beyond. Know the symptoms of poor mental health, and the kinds of the...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled What Will Happens In A Therapy Session? Peek Inside The Therapy Room
TherapyMental Health

What Will Happens In A Therapy Session? Peek Inside The Therapy Room

Most therapists will begin their therapy sessions with you by asking about your goals and expectations and providing you with information about t...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 4 2024
Picture for Blog post titled What does a Psychologist do to Help with Mental Wellness and Health
PsychologistMental Health

What does a Psychologist do to Help with Mental Wellness and Health

This article helps in understanding what a psychologist does in therapy and some of the common specialized counseling approaches used by psycholo...

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
mental wellness is as important as physical fitness - therapyclub
Mental Health

The Relationship Between Physical and Mental Health

This article digs into the fundamental links between physical and mental health, illuminating the intricate ways each region has an effect on the...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 20 Practical Strategies on How to Overcome Depression?
DepressionMental Health

20 Practical Strategies on How to Overcome Depression?

Let's explore practical approaches to overcome depression that acknowledge the difficulties of the journey while emphasising the power of increme...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture for Blog post titled Different Types of Mental Health Disorders
Mental Health

Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

5 Broad Types of Mental Health Disorders include- Anxious distress, Mood distress, Psychotic Distress, Trauma distress, and Addiction disorders....

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture for Blog post titled The Role of Nutrition in Anxiety Management
AnxietyMental Health

The Role of Nutrition in Anxiety Management

Focusing on specific anxiety-reducing foods can nourish our body and mind, paving the way for calmer, more resilient states and combating anxiety...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 4 Types of Mental Healthcare Providers in India in 2024
Mental Health

4 Types of Mental Healthcare Providers in India in 2024

The Mental Healthcare Providers in India practice under various titles. Let’s know about the most common types of Psychologists to make an inform...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled 7 Types Of Depression: Major, Chronic, Manic, and More Types
DepressionMental Health

7 Types Of Depression: Major, Chronic, Manic, and More Types

Gain insights into the intricate landscape of depression with our comprehensive guide covering 7 types or forms of Depression from MDD to Bipolar...

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024
Bipolar Disorder Treatment - Therapyclub
Mental Health

Bipolar Disorder: Treatment Approaches

Bipolar disorder treatment usually involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Social Rhythm Th...

Author's Profile picture
Prachi Gangwani
Sep 10 2024
Two young girls discussing how therapy plays vital role in treating ADHD
ADHDMental Health

The Role of Therapy in ADHD Management

In this article, we’ll be exploring the role of different types of therapeutic treatments assisting in managing the complexities of ADHD. Learn ...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 18 2024
Picture for Blog post titled In 2024, How to Overcome Stress?
Mental Health

In 2024, How to Overcome Stress?

This article guides you on activating your in-built parasympathetic nervous system to build resilience from how to manage and overcome stress....

Author's Profile picture
Sep 10 2024
Picture for Blog post titled ADHD: Symptoms, Early Signs and Intervention
ADHDMental Health

ADHD: Symptoms, Early Signs and Intervention

It is essential to know the early signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to ensure timely diagnosis and appropriat...

Author's Profile picture
Snigdha Samantray
Sep 10 2024
Feelings and Signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Therapyclub
AnxietyMental Health

Do I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder?

Our Guide to Generalized Anxiety Disorder- Know the key indicators, subtle signs, symptoms, and 3-3-3 Rule for tackling the feelings of GAD....

Author's Profile picture
Bhavya Malhotra
Sep 10 2024

Join our 12 week program to get on the path back from depression.

88% Mavericks improved their mental health with our 12 week program, get started with your personalised program now.
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