I have lost interest in everything, due to depression: How to Cope When You're Feeling Lost

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Manasvi Dodiya
Scientific Writer | Microbiologist
6 Aug 20249 min read
loss of interest in depression.

Depression strikes a person in many different ways. One of them is making a person lose interest in the things they used to enjoy doing. 

But why does this happen?

Why do in depression feelings of loss of interest surface?

How does one get over it?

In this article, we will answer all these questions. 

What Is Loss of Interest?

In simple terms, loss of interest makes a person feel unmotivated, disinterested, and have no passion for anything at all. Feeling a loss of interest makes it difficult to function in daily life. This loss of interest might be a result of Apathy or Anhedonia. Anhedonia is characterized by feeling less or a lack of interest in pleasurable activities. 

To understand this better, let us take the example of Sakshi. Sakshi has been indulging in substance abuse for the past 2 years. Initially, she only observed physical symptoms like rapid heart rate and disturbances in sleeping. She stopped trekking, an activity that she enjoyed the most in life. She also started to distance herself from her friends because she felt no motivation to meet them. This made her isolate herself from society and further affected her mood. 

It is to be noted that a loss of interest is usually followed by a depressed mood. In fact, loss of interest is one of the core symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder

But what exactly is depression? Let’s find out.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder in which an individual experiences a constant state of low mood for more than two weeks. It may include feelings of sadness, irritation, and emptiness along with a loss of pleasure in life. According to the World Health Organization, 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression. 

Depression affects the way a person conducts their life and has a great impact on the quality of life. For a better understanding, let us take the example of Kiara. She has been experiencing feelings of sadness for unexplained reasons. Feelings of overwhelm and anxiety have been following since. She finds no motivation to complete her tasks or perform well at her workplace. She tried her best to trace the source of her feelings but have been unsuccessful in doing so. 

What Kiara is experiencing over here is a loss of interest in depression. 

I feel lost interest in everything, is it due to depression or not?

It is okay to feel slightly disinterested or find no motivation for a short period. It can be an outcome of fatigue or experiencing burnout. But when the feelings of emptiness and lack of motivation persist for two weeks or more, there is a possibility that you might have depression and loss of interest. 

Is Loss of Interest a Symptom of Depression? 

Loss of interest is one of the primary symptoms of depression. Most of the people suffering from depression display the symptoms of lack of interest in carrying out routine activities. However, the severity might differ. 

Does Depression Cause Loss of Interest? How Are They Linked?

There are multiple reasons why a person might feel less interested in things but does depression cause loss of interest? The answer is yes. Depression can be responsible for loss of interest. When in depression, the levels of dopamine - the “feel-good” chemical of the brain are affected. This chemical is necessary for experiencing interest and pleasure. 

With low levels of dopamine, the person might feel less motivated to do things in life. 

Why Do I Feel lost of interest in everything When I’m Depressed?

Depression, at its core, can lead to certain biological changes in our body that might result in the loss of interest in doing things. Some of the possible reasons are:

Lack of activity in the brain reward circuit: 

Our brain is able to enjoy and find interest in things because of the reward circuit that comprises of dense distribution of dopamine. This distribution facilitates the reward processing and we are able to enjoy pleasures like food, activities, sex, etc. 

Studies have also found that people suffering from depression have dysfunction in their reward circuits. The anti-reward centre of the brain is activated and this leads to the expression of depressive symptoms including loss of interest. 

Immunometabolic differences:

Disturbances in the metabolic pathways of certain chemicals in the brain can lead to the development of feelings of loss of interest in things. One such chemical is the C-reaction protein (CRP) whose increase causes an imbalance in the brain. The increase in CRP levels has led to a lack of motivation in individuals. 

How to Know You Have Depression If You Are Experiencing Loss of Interest in Everything:

Alongside the biological factors, if you have the following symptoms persisting for two weeks or more, you might have depression:

  1. Feeling hopeless 
  2. Feeling sad about your situation
  3. Reduced sex drive
  4. Difficulty in accomplishing simple tasks
  5. Boredom
  6. Social withdrawal

What to do when you feel Loss of Interest and depression:

Loss of interest can put your mental as well as physical health at risk. It can even lead to suicidal ideation and the risk of developing eating as well as sleeping problems. The first step towards stopping this can be identifying the source of your feelings.  If you can identify the source of your problem, you can corrective actions to improve your mental well-being.

Here is a list of tips on how to stop feelings of loss of interest if you have depression. 

7 Tips on How to Stop Feelings of Loss of Interest and Indifference if You Have Depression:

Spend time in nature:

Research has shown that spending time in nature can help you combat depression effectively. A simple stroll in the park or simply spending time in nature uplifts mood and boosts mental restoration which in turn increases the release of serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine in our body. 

Eat healthy:

A diet with good amounts of healthy foods should be seen as an effective weapon against depressive symptoms. Eating healthy is one of the You can restrict eating processed foods and opt to eat whole foods that are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins. Studies have shown that people with moderate to severe depression showed improvement in their symptoms after receiving nutritional counselling. 

You can have foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12 and D, Zinc, and Magnesium and also add probiotics to your diet. 

Take small steps:

We know, that making plans is contradictory to what you might feel when you don’t have an interest in doing anything. However, you can start with small steps. Break your tasks into smaller and simpler steps. In this way, your tasks won’t seem difficult to accomplish and by finishing them, your confidence will boost. 

Set a sleep routine:

Experiencing depression and loss of interest might affect your sleep cycle or the quality of your sleep. It has been studied that sleep deprivation dwindles the motivation to carry out tasks. Creating a sleep routine can help you to create a balance between rest and work. Make sure that you do not eat in the hours leading to sleep, avoid caffeine, and get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep.  


Regular exercise releases endorphins. They are the body’s natural chemicals that can improve our mental well-being by uplifting our mood. Our body also releases dopamine while exercising, which is responsible for happiness. You can choose any exercise of your choice. If you don’t feel like exercising, you can simply move around the house or take a stroll outside. 

Practice mindfulness:

Research suggests that practising mindfulness techniques can help to reduce depression and teach people to shift their focus to the present. You can start with simple breathing exercises that can help you feel calm and more focused. You can also do yoga and listen to guided meditations online. You might feel composed, and motivated and have a positive outlook towards life. 

Seek inspiration from someone you look up to:

When you feel no joy in doing things that you used to love, you can seek inspiration from the people you look up to. It can be anyone - your parents, your teachers, athletes, celebrities, motivational speakers, etc. If somebody you admire gives you advice, you are more likely to be receptive to it. You can listen to how they overcame their hardships and obstacles to reach where they are. 

Treating Loss of Interest in Depression:

There is no specific treatment for treating loss of interest in depression. However, mental health professionals might recommend any of these treatments to treat depression, depending upon the severity of the situation. 


Antidepressants have been used for treating symptoms of depression for a long time. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) have been used extensively to treat depression. They facilitate the availability of Serotonin (a chemical important for our mood). Apart from that, tricyclic antidepressants can also be used. But take note, that one must not consume these medications without a prescription from a medical professional.


Psychotherapy or “talk therapy” is one of the first lines of treatment given to people suffering from depression. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the most common therapy used by therapists. The therapist closely observes your emotions and thoughts and tries to find the source of your feelings. They also teach you techniques to reframe your thoughts and have a different outlook towards a problem. They will also help you learn to cope with negative emotions in healthy ways. 


While your loved ones and doctors help you with your recovery, what matters more is that you take care of yourself. Eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, spending time with your friends and family and keeping your emotions in check can help you feel encouraged, motivated and happy. 

Brain stimulation:

Brain stimulation is gaining popularity to treat mental health disorders. Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques like transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), are used extensively to treat depression. It involves enhancing the activity of the brain by passing mild electric current. This helps to activate or inhibit the functioning of brain signals depending upon their nature. 

Mave Health’s ARC-tDCS has shown promising results in treating depression and other mental health disorders as well. 

Online Therapy Options:

If accessing traditional therapy is difficult, you can opt for online therapy options. They are as effective as in-person therapy. For somebody who feels a loss of interest in depression, online therapy becomes more comfortable and cost-effective. 

Currently, multiple online counselling platforms are available to offer guidance and help to those in need. Mave Health’s Therapy Club is formed to make mental well-being accessible. If you feel hopeless in depression, you can simply schedule an appointment with any therapist of your choice. You can talk to them over a video call, talk about your problems and seek solutions. 

When to Consult Your Mental Health Professional?

Experiencing a loss of interest temporarily is a normal thing. It can be an outcome of stress or burnout. But when these feelings of emptiness last for 2 weeks or more, there is a possibility that you are experiencing this loss of interest because of depression. 

If you are unable to pull yourself out of this state or unable to muster any motivation, you must seek professional help. Mental health professionals can help you trace the correct source of this feeling and guide you towards recovery. 

We understand, that finding the motivation to get better or take steps towards recovery might seem challenging. But this is something that you have to do. If you feel that taking action is too overwhelming, you can seek help from a friend or a loved one. They can encourage you to get better and even seek help from a mental health professional


Loss of interest is one of the most common symptoms of depression. You might not have the motivation to excel in life or even carry out the simplest of tasks. This can be dangerous to mental health and hence seeking help is crucial. 

You can seek help from your friends and family. They can push you to do better and extend more help if needed. If you think that you are stuck, you can always seek professional help. Therapists can guide you, provide you with solutions and encourage you to take steps that will be beneficial for your well-being. 

That being said, you must remember that your biggest strength is you. So, take care of yourself and work towards the life you want to create. As you know, figuring out how to stop feeling lost of interest due to depression is difficult but not impossible. 

At Mave Health, we believe that a person thrives fully when they learn to cheer for themselves. With the ARC-tDCS technology and psychotherapy available online, we can help you reach your full potential and feel motivated and happy again. 


  1. Santilli, M. (2023, July 13). Depression statistics in 2024. Forbes Health. https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/depression-statistics/#footnote_1 
  2. World Health Organization: WHO & World Health Organization: WHO. (2023, March 31). Depressive disorder (depression). https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression 
  3. Su, Y., & Si, T. (2022). Progress and challenges in research of the mechanisms of anhedonia in major depressive disorder. General Psychiatry, 35(1), e100724. https://doi.org/10.1136/gpsych-2021-100724 
  4. Depression (major depressive disorder) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. (2022, October 14). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007 
  5. Website, N. (2023a, August 14). Mindfulness. nhs.uk. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/self-help/tips-and-support/mindfulness/ 
  6. Craft, L. L., & Perna, F. M. (2004). The benefits of exercise for the clinically depressed. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.4088/pcc.v06n0301 
  7. Massar, S. A., Lim, J., & Huettel, S. A. (2019). Sleep deprivation, effort allocation and performance. Progress in Brain Research, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.pbr.2019.03.007 
  8. Healthdirect Australia. (n.d.). Losing interest. Healthdirect. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/losing-interest 
  9. Shannon, & Shannon. (2022, August 17). Feeling a Loss of Interest in Everything? Here’s What To Do. Brightside. https://www.brightside.com/blog/feeling-a-loss-of-interest-in-everything/
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