In 2024, Why Do Many Indian Teens and Youths Suffer From Depression?

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Prachi Gangwani
Mental Health Professional | Psychologist & Author
28 Aug 202411 min read
Sad and depressed young Indian boy sitting on stairs


We often hear that mental health concerns like depression don’t happen as often as they used to.

On the one hand, we can argue that it’s not that depression rates have increased but rather that awareness and dialogue have increased, and so we hear more about it now.

However, on the other hand, there is the fact that the social reality that teenagers and young adults navigate now is more challenging than it was for our parents’ generation. 

With both these in mind, let’s explore what’s really happening when it comes to youth depression. 

Brief Overview:

As per a study by UNICEF, the reported incidence of depression among the Indian population went from 4.5% to 14.5% between the years 2015 to 2021. Among the youth, depression rates have gone up to around 57%

More teenagers are experiencing Depression
More teenagers Are Experiencing Depression Data from Statista
TeenDepression - American teen Girls three times as likely as boys to experience depression
American teen Girls are three times as likely as boys to experience Depression
Mental health Stats of Young Indian 2020 to 2023 from thehindubusinessline
Mental Health stats of Young Indians from 2020 to 2023 thehindubusinessline
Stats of Anxiety-depression-stress of indians 2020
Stats of Anxiety-depression-stress of Indians in 2020 is taken from TOI

Whether it’s a case of increased reporting or increased incidence, there is no debate that depression among the youth is a growing concern, and it’s worthwhile trying to understand the factors behind this trend. 

Why are many Indian Teens & Youth Depressed?

Depression in Indian youth today is precipitated by many psychosocial factors. While social factors like intense competition, social media and peer pressure are there for teenagers across the globe, there are cultural nuances in India.

Similarly, family pressure and expectations play a significant role in why Indian youth are depressed. This is evident from the rising cases of suicide among students, many of whom leave behind notes apologising to their family members for not being able to live up to their expectations. 

With these cultural nuances in mind, let’s take a deeper look at the psychosocial factors contributing to youth depression. 

1.Societal Factors

A. Academic Pressure

Intense Competition:

In recent years, students’ mental health has been a growing matter of concern. Multiple studies have been conducted to assess student depression rates in India, and results show that more than 3 out of 10 students report symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Academic pressure, reduced opportunities as one climbs the academic ladder, and unfair practices in academia are all contributing factors to depression in Indian youth.

To put this in perspective, consider the recent debacle that has occurred with entrance examinations across the country. Students who had been preparing for years were rendered hapless because of mismanagement. But this was the tipping point. For years now, students have struggled with unrealistically high cut-offs of 99% and even 100% to secure a seat in universities like DU. 

Parental Expectations:

Given the fierce competition, it is understandable that parents put pressure on their kids to perform well academically. Not everyone can afford to sponsor an education abroad, and for many families in India even today, education and employment are routes out of poverty. 

However parental expectations and pressure can cause further stress and anxiety for the developing mind of a teenager. 

Fear of Failure:

A combination of the two factors above creates a deep fear of failure among students. Even students who may be performing well in academics may be living with this fear, which can contribute to the development of depression. 

B. Social Media and Peer Pressure

Social Comparison and Body Image:

Studies have found that teenagers who are prone to depressive states are more likely to compare themselves to others. This is in line with social comparison theory, which states that comparison is more likely to lead to feelings of unhappiness.

Most commonly, teenagers compare themselves to peers based on looks and academic achievements, and these comparisons can lower self-esteem and increase dissatisfaction with oneself. When unchecked, negative body image can progress to depression. 


While social media is a great platform for connection, learning and creating discourse about important topics, it is also a hotbed for bullying and trolling. Studies show that cyberbullying takes a toll on one’s mental health and among adolescents, it can lead to anxiety, loneliness, somatic symptoms, and even depression and suicidal ideation.

Social Media Addiction and Isolation:

Social media can cause psychological, neurological and social harm among teenagers, and this is well documented among professionals in the mental health and tech industry.

Given this, APA (American Psychological Association) has issued an advisory for social media use for adolescents. In this advisory, they highlight the double-edged sword that social media can be for teenagers who struggle with loneliness and depression.

While on the one hand, it can provide avenues for communication and connection, on the other hand, the ill effects of social media use may precipitate symptoms of depression and loneliness. 

Depression cases in India’s youth also seem to have a correlation with social media usage. Social media is ripe for comparison and self-imposed isolation, and these two things combined can lead to low self-esteem and maladaptive coping mechanisms for a developing individual. 

2.Familial Factors

A. Parental Expectations and Pressure

Academic, Career, and Marital Expectations:

In the section above, we discussed the impact of academic pressure parents impose on teenagers. However, parental expectations and pressure don’t end with school or college.

In our culture, the life trajectory of a child is determined the day one is born. We have a social clock that puts pressure to finish our education in early 20s, secure a lucrative and stable job by mid or late 20s, and get married by 30.

For many of us, the pressure continues to have a child by the early 30s. Any disruptions to this trajectory can cause feelings of inadequacy, sometimes leading to depression. 

Authoritarian Parenting Styles:

Authoritarian parenting style is one where parents pose strict and rigid rules and expectations on the child, without engaging the child in heathy dialogue which can help them understand why these rules are being imposed.

Parents expect the children to obey and if they disobey, there may be consequences or punishment for their behaviour. Authoritarian parenting induces fear in the child and studies have shown that there is an association between this parenting style and youth depression

Lack of Emotional Support and Open Communication:

Similar to authoritarian parenting style, a lack of emotional support or open communication can also lead to depression. Lack of support and communication may be signs of emotional neglect, which is one of the adverse childhood experiences associated with long-term psychological harm and difficulties.  

B. Family Structure and Dynamics

Single-Parent Households and Divorced Parents:

Children need predictability and stability for healthy development. In some cases of single parenting or divorce, this may not be easily provided, making the child more vulnerable to mental health concerns. However, it is important to note that most of all, children need a happy environment. It is better for parents to separate and live peacefully than stay together for the kids but fight every day. 

Financial Stress:

Financial stress can inadvertently lead to household dysfunction like parental conflict or parental distress, which may make them emotionally unavailable. This, in turn, can adversely impact the child, increasing their risk of developing depression or other mental health concerns as they grow older. 

Domestic Violence and Abuse:

We know that depression statistics in India reflect the impact of domestic violence or abuse on women who suffer. But, witnessing domestic violence also impacts the child. In many cases, there is violence or abuse directed toward the child, too, which can lead to several mental health concerns. 

3. Personal Factors

A. Biological Factors

Genetic Predisposition:

Depression tends to run in families. Having a parent or a sibling with depression increases one’s chances by 2 or 3 times. However, it’s important to note that a genetic predisposition doesn’t mean that you’ll most certainly develop depression. Nurture and environment also play a significant role. 

Hormonal Changes:

Adolescence is a time of many hormonal changes and fluctuations. Our hormones impact our mood and an imbalance can sometimes lead to symptoms of depression or anxiety. High levels of oestrogen among teenage girls is seen to be associated with a higher incidence of depression. 

B. Psychological Factors

Low Self-Esteem and Body Image Issues:

Self-esteem is how we evaluate ourselves. Self-esteem is fluid and dimensional and evolves with time and experience. Factors that influence self-esteem in adolescents include family, peer relationships, academic performance, and dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance. Disruptions in these areas may contribute to low self-esteem, which if not mitigated adequately, may progress to depression in teens. 

Difficulty Coping with Stress:

Some people are more prone to having difficulties coping with stress than others. These individual differences can be seen early on, and during teenage, if one has a difficult time coping with stress, it may precipitate anxiety and depression. 

Lack of Emotional Intelligence and Coping Skills:

Emotional intelligence and coping skills build resilience. Emotional intelligence simply means the ability to identify and regulate one’s emotional states, and the ability to identify and empathise with the emotional states of others. However, the good news is that emotional regulation and modulation are skills that one can learn, and adolescence is a good time to hone these skills.

Causes of Teen Depression

Causes of Teen Depression

#4 Consequences of Depression

1.Academic Performance Decline:

According to one study, changes in depression account for 37.8% of changes in academic performance. This study is not the only one highlighting the association between depression and a decline in academic performance.

Depression impacts one’s cognitive abilities, and it is understandable that if a teen or young adult is struggling with depression, they may not be able to perform the cognitive tasks required for academics. 

2.Social Isolation and Withdrawal:

A common manifestation of depression for all ages is social isolation or withdrawal. When struggling with depression, one may not feel good enough about themselves, or may not have the motivation or desire to spend time with others. Teenagers are no exception to this rule. A depressed teen might lock themselves in their room or not show interest in participating in social activities. 

3.Substance Abuse:

Substance use is often a sign of distress, or a coping mechanism devices to numb uncomfortable feelings. If a teenager is in emotional distress, they may turn to substances in order to numb these difficult emotions or experiences. You can read more about substance abuse in teenagers

4.Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors:

With proper and timely intervention, depression can escalate to suicidal ideation or behaviour. Signs of suicidal thoughts among teenagers may include changes in appetite or sleep, irritability, social withdrawal, social media posts about loneliness or suicide, lack of response to praise, self-neglect or not caring about grooming, and crying spells. 

#4 Prevention and Intervention

1.Importance of Early Detection and Intervention:

Early detection of depression can help prevent the distress from worsening. It can also help caregivers, professionals and teachers offer interventions. Like a physical illness, depression too can be managed and treated, and the chances of this are higher when it is caught early. 

2.Role of Schools, Parents, and Mental Health Professionals:

Everyone in a teenager’s life can play an important role in the prevention and treatment of depression and other mental health concerns. Schools, parents and MHPs can be involved in offering psychoeducation, building emotional regulation skills, coaching teenagers on healthy coping and offering a safe holding space when a teenager struggles. Open communication without judgement and shaming is important for an adolescent who is still trying to make sense of the world and their place in it. 

3.Strategies for Building Resilience and Coping Skills:

According to research conducted by Harvard University, positive experiences build resilience. This is an important insight to keep in mind when thinking of building resilience and coping skills among teenagers.

Teenagers should be encouraged to seek positive experiences and pursue activities they are inherently good at. One should try to hone a teenager’s innate talent, and not impose. Healthy relationships especially within the family can also help build resilience.  

4.Creating a Supportive Environment for Teenagers:

It’s important to keep in mind that teenage is a period of rapid physical and psychological growth. A teenage needs a supportive environment wherein their innate talents are encouraged and refined. This supportive environment can come from family, school as well as peers. 


Depression among teenagers and youth is a growing concern across the globe, including in India. Youth depression is often caused by psychosocial factors like the home environment, peer group, academic performance, and social media and pop culture. Addressing these while trying to understand and manage youth depression is key. 

Parents, schools and mental health professionals can do a lot to prevent and offer early interventions when it comes to youth depression. If you’re an adult caring for a teenager, or an adolescent or young adult looking for perspective on depression, you can reach out to one of our mental health professionals on Mave Health’s Therapy Club.


Anxiety, depression high among children, says study. (2023, October 1). The Times of India. 

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Dhillon, M. (2016). Factors Influencing Self-esteem of Indian Female Adolescents. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 21(07), 56–63. 

‌‌George, S. (2023, October 23). The Dark Side of India’s Education System: The Silent Suffering of Its Youth - Information Matters. 

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Levinson, D., & Nichols, W. (2021). Major Depression and Genetics. Genetics of Brain Function; Stanford medicine. 

‌Mayo Clinic. (2022, August 12). Teen Depression - Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. 

Medicine, N. (2023, August). Warning Signs of Teen Suicide. Northwestern Medicine. 

‌Mehrotra, R. (2023, April 24). Rise of depression amongst young adults in India. The Times of India. 

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